Fluvanna Faces:  Santa Claus

By Harvey J. Sorum

Is Santa your first name and Claus your last name?

Santa has always been my first name.  My mother and father gave it to me.  I didn’t care for it at first because it was so different.  But now I love it and so do all children and even parents.  Claus is my last name.  I love it too.  I even have a web site and am working on an e-mail address.  Children are getting smarter and smarter so I try to keep up with them.

Is there really a Santa Claus?

There sure is.  I’ve been around for a long time.  Even parents and grandparents and great-great grandparents knew and believed in me.  If someone tells you there is no Santa, send them to me.  And tell them to talk to one of my helpers who dress and look like me like in the picture you see above.  I have many, many look alike helpers and that’s how I get around to everyone who believes in me.

Is there a “Mrs.” Claus?

Boy, there sure is.  And boy, do I love her.  She helps me so much with everything I do for Christmas time.  I’d be lost without her.  You don’t see her very much because she is so busy she doesn’t have time for anyone to take a picture of her.  When I’m out delivering Christmas presents, she stays home and makes a Christmas dinner for me and all my helpers.   Boy is it good.  

Do you have lots of elves helping you make toys and things for children?

I have lots and lots of elves helping make and wrap presents for the children.  I try to remember all of their names but it seems to get harder and harder.   But knowing a person’s name is so important just like it is for all of us.   The nice thing is that all of us love what we’re doing because it brings so many happy faces to children.  We love all children.

How do you know what each child wants for Christmas?

Many children send me a letter and tell me what they want.  Some of them really ask for so many presents but I can’t give them everything they want.  Some don’t send me a list but for some reason, I just know.  I don’t know how I know but there are many things I don’t know about so you have to be happy with what I do know.  It’s like parents who sometimes tell their children what to do and what not to do.  As children get older, they learn just how smart their parents were.  

Is Rudolph still your favorite reindeer?

All my deer are my favorites.  Sometimes I use Rudolph but sometimes I give him a rest and let someone else be in front of the sleigh with all the other reindeer.  It’s a nice lesson for children to share because it’s the right thing to do.

Do you know where all the children live so you can give them a present or two?

I use a list which gets longer and longer each year.  As children get older, I just have to take them off the list because there are just too many.  They understand this.  Mrs. Claus wants me to get a GPS because as I get older, I sometimes have to stop and ask where someone is.   A GPS is on my list of things I’d like for Christmas this year.

What if a child is naughty but not nice like the song says?

All children are naughty and nice.  It’s easy to give presents to those who are nice.  For the ones that are more naughty than nice, I leave them a note telling them why it’s better being nice than naughty but I always tell them I love them.

Do you drink hot chocolate and eat the cookies the children leave for you Christmas eve?

That’s like asking asking a dog or cat if they like eating.  When you see pictures of me and my helpers you’ll see we all have big stomachs.  We just can’t resist eating everything left for us.

What is the most unusual present you have ever given a child?

One time I received a letter from twin children in Palmyra, Virginia.   One asked for a real elephant and the other for a real donkey.    I told them I’d love to give them these, but they were just too large to get into my sleigh.   I had to tell them to go to the zoo in Richmond.  I did send them animal picture books with elephants and donkeys in them.

Are you like Walmart so if a child does not like the present you gave him/her, can they return it?

No.  No returns.  We’ll all be too busy making Christmas gifts for next year.  I’d suggest giving the gifts they don’t care for or even the ones they do like to children who don’t have much.  There are so many children all over with very little so I know they ‘d really enjoy getting something.

Is Christmas this year going to be a good one for children?

This year will be just like all other years.  I try to do my part and more to make it a happy Christmas and year for all children and even adults.  We should all try to do the same for others.  Believe it or not, being nice to someone makes us as happy as it does for the one we’re nice to.  Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was nice to everyone?  We just have to try.

Can you leave us with a “Happy Christmas, HO HO HO?

HO HO HO everyone.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Be merry, be nice, be happy, be kind.  Look under the Christmas tree and guess what you’ll find.

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