The benefits of yoga for everyone

By Page H. Gifford

Every third Saturday of the month, Cynthia Moore, a registered dietitian/nutritionist, diabetes educator, health and wellness coach and yoga therapist presented another program in her Hygeia Wellness series. The series focuses on many aspects of staying well by practicing natural pathways to good health. May’s program focused on yoga for everyone and its benefits.

The audience engaged in a few practice poses and felt a difference. 

She said much can be derived from the simple act of calm breathing and mindfulness. Yoga centers the individual, giving a sense of calm and peace. It reduces inflammation and is showing promise for many with chronic ailments such as cardiac issues, high blood pressure, sleep problems, and mental health issues such as depression. It also improves flexibility, balance, and posture, cognitive function, and emotional well-being.

The elements of yoga come from the ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine native to India. The practice of breathing and focusing on the breath helps with concentration.

“It calms the mind and helps it to move forward,” she said. “Savasana is the deeper practice of meditation. The yogis believe healing occurs from the inside out.”

There will be no program in June but anyone interested in learning more about upcoming programs, can contact Cynthia Moore at

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