By Page H. Gifford
Every five years the Planning Commission undertakes the task of planning for the future by updating the Fluvanna County’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide to the future growth and development in the county, and is the groundwork on which zoning and subdivision ordinances, transportation plans, infrastructure, and the capital improvement programs are built. Without solid groundwork, there is no guidance and it is important for residents to have input on future planning before it happens. In the current Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation guide, the Planning Commission is making an appeal to county residents to get involved in 2025.
In 2005, much of the county was rural until Sycamore Square was built. In 2007, the Planning Commission worked on a Comprehensive Plan that implemented many of the zoning ordinances we have to date. At the time, resident volunteers were considering ideas presented at the meetings by then administrator Cabell Lawton. Palmyra, Zion Crossroads, Lake Monticello, and Fork Union were considered for improvement. The volunteer groups worked through 2008 to implement a plan for their area. Fork Union had committed to sprucing up the town; Palmyra saw their historical heritage as key; the Lake was concerned with traffic and safety seeing all the growth occurring around them and Zion Crossroads was designated as the area for future urban development. Most of the business growth has taken place in Louisa.
Since then, the county has engaged the public to attend various meetings, have discussions, and suggest ideas for consideration. What has occurred in 16 years since the original groups met has been major housing developments impacting traffic while business growth has been slow. Also, some residents clamored to keep the county rural while others sought progress. Striking a balance has not been easy. Some supervisors were against traffic lights because they felt they threatened the rural environment and set the precedence for unwelcome growth. County models to look at, include neighboring Louisa, Goochland, and Caroline counties which are growing and have good planning for the future.
The most recent plan was adopted in the fall of 2024 and was a re-adoption of the 2015 plan with changes to selected sections. A full update of the plan is needed, county officials believe. The Comprehensive Plan lays out a locality’s vision for the future and outlines goals to achieve that vision; including managing growth and protecting what citizens think is special about the area. This assists local officials with decision-making regarding zoning, the pros and cons of proposed projects, and whether there are any benefits to the county and its residents.
A series of community meetings will be held to inform residents about the process for updating the plan and allow citizens the chance to provide input into the county’s vision for the future. Each meeting is expected to last approximately an hour and a half to two hours and will consist of two parts: A presentation by Fluvanna County staff on the process; and breakout exercises where attendees will give their input regarding the county’s future.
Residents are encouraged to attend and understand the importance of the comp plan, particularly zoning ordinances that guide decisions. It is important to voice concerns and share ideas. Leaving it to others without input may have consequences some residents may not like.
The community meetings are tentatively scheduled for late January and early February. Information will be available on the Fluvanna County website, Fluvanna FanMail, and the Fluvanna Review for dates, times, and locations.
After the community meetings, Fluvanna County staff will distribute a citizen survey to gather additional input concerning the county’s future. Surveys will be distributed both in hard copy and electronic versions. Watch for details on the surveys on the Fluvanna County website, Fluvanna FanMail, and in the Fluvanna Review. Anyone who would like more information is encouraged to contact the Fluvanna County Planning and Zoning Department at (434) 591-1910.