As supervisors debate tax rates and school funding, residents speak out

By Heather Michon

With budget season underway, several county residents stepped up to the podium Wednesday night (March 19) to encourage the Board of Supervisors to fully fund Fluvanna County Public Schools. 

Public comments started off the meeting and extended for over an hour.

The School Board has requested a local match of $24 million, an increase of about $1.9 million over the previous year. Most of the funding would be used to boost salaries for teachers and staff and to fund a half-dozen new positions.

Supervisors have signaled that they may not be willing to fund the entire request, as this would require them to put the real estate tax at a higher rate than they want to see. 

The maximum advertised tax rate is $0.75 per $100 of assessed value, but a majority of supervisors would like to come in well below that figure.

During a work session before the main meeting on Wednesday, they did increase FCPS’s allocation from $1.07 million to just about $1.2 million. 

Many residents would like them to go further.

“To me, education is the foundation of prosperity,” said James Schoenster. “Yet members of the board seem intent on austerity when evaluating our school’s request, despite the fact that half of it simply qualifies us for a salary match from the state. I tell everyone, if fortunate enough to have a 401k with matching contributions, that it’s free money or a no-brainer, and this is no different.”

“I’m a homeowner. I would be thrilled to pay more taxes if it meant that I could comfortably send my son to the Fluvanna County schools,” said Kelsey Cowger. “But you all are trying to run a county with barely any support for business, barely any industry, barely any tourism that brings in revenue.”  

“Soon, all our teachers, who are excellent and sorely needed, will be faced with the choice: stick around and be underpaid, or apply for any open position in one of the surrounding counties and make thousands of dollars a year extra for doing the same work,” said Cameron Van Iderstein. “We will lose good talent if we don’t offer competitive salaries.”

At the same time, other residents stepped up to encourage the supervisors to cut the tax rate even lower to mitigate the impact of the high reassessments issued by tax appraisers earlier this year.

“There are ways to cut the budget,” said one resident. “I’m going to start out with tonight’s meeting.

Why are taxpayers funding dinner for the Board of Supervisors and the staff here? When I go to work, nobody provides me a meal. I don’t think taxpayers’ money should be used that way.”

“I think everybody needs to check yourself because you are voted into office to do what is right for all the citizens of this county, not just the school board, not just the teachers, not just the sheriff’s department, not just the fire and rescue,” she added.

Dorsey appointed to Planning

A debate from last year was replayed later in the meeting as supervisors voted to appoint a new planning commissioner for the Rivanna District.

In 2024, supervisors voted to approve Eddie Shifflett over Supervisor Tony O’Brien’s nominee, Lake Monticello Owners Association director Gary Sellick. 

As a matter of custom and courtesy, the district supervisor’s nominee is usually approved, but that night, O’Brien’s motion did not even receive a second.

With Shifflett’s recent resignation from the Planning Commission, O’Brien again nominated Sellick. This time, his motion was seconded but went on to fail 3-2.

Sellick spoke to the supervisors before the vote, highlighting his work for the LMOA and the Fluvanna community in recent years. 

“I feel like I know the people of Rivanna District. I know what they want. And as I have for five years, I’m ready and willing to listen to their wants and needs and to be their voice.”

After Sellick’s nomination failed, O’Brien nominated Robert Dorsey, who was approved by a 5-0 vote.  

“I am upset that the board has chosen not to nominate Mr. Sellick,” he said, “but I recognize and respect the board’s decision. I think this is a little bit of an affront to the Lake community. I will say that. But nevertheless, I think Mr. Dorsey will be an excellent representative.”

Dorsey’s term on the Planning Commission will begin next month and end June 30, 2026.

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