March 15 orientation for Community Garden Plans

Fluvanna Master Gardeners Press Release

Seed catalogues have come in the mail, and tempting packages are stacked in the hardware stores.  It’s time to plan that summer garden.

The Community Garden at Pleasant Grove is where many folks with limited space or sunshine enjoy getting back to nature with crops of flowers and vegetables. An orientation program for new and current gardeners is being held Saturday, March 15 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Fluvanna County Public Library. 

Summertime gardeners will meet with advisors from the Virginia Cooperative Extension program, which is the source of valuable information on successful practices. Members from Fluvanna Extension Master Gardeners and Fluvanna Parks and Recreation will also be available to discuss plans and guidelines and provide further assistance. 

The fully-fenced Community Garden offers ninety-seven 10’ x 15’ plots, plus one handicap accessible raised garden bed. There’s a planning station for notices and gathering, and non-potable water is available for the beds. Plots are available to Fluvanna County residents for $50 per year. They are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis through the Fluvanna Parks and Recreation website. 

Pleasant Grove Community Garden was launched in 2007 through the collaboration of Fluvanna Parks and Recreation, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the Fluvanna Extension Master Gardeners. The garden promotes productive gardening practices and conservation of resources to enhance the local environment. The garden plots offer physical and social benefits and provide educational opportunities for members. 

In addition to personal benefits, Community Gardeners are encouraged to volunteer to “Plant a Row” (PAR) to donate to local food pantries. 

Further information and the application for a garden plot are available at the website

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