Spring is coming.
Honest and true. It will be here soon!
And, with spring, what else can we look forward to?
The annual Fluvanna Master Gardeners plant sale!
Mark the date on your calendar, Saturday, May 3, 9:30 a.m. to noon. And if it rains, don’t despair, it’s delayed just one day to May 4, from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
This year, there will be an even greater selection of reasonably priced items. In addition to the plants from reliable local growers and native selections from the Butterfly Garden, new plants will be provided by master gardeners who have carefully germinated seeds. After the master gardeners have nurtured flats of tender sprouts, they will harden them off in the newly completed greenhouse at the Butterfly Garden.
A varied selection of cheery annuals, reliable perennials, and popular vegetables and herbs for the kitchen will be ready for new homes. Natives and pollinator attractors from the Butterfly Garden are always popular. Well-established, healthy selections that have multiplied in members’ home gardens are getting ready to be carried off to new plots.
The sale will be held at the Jefferson Shopping Center Park ‘n Ride at the Turkeysag entrance to Lake Monticello. Entrance before opening time will not be available. Credit cards as well as cash and personal checks will be accepted.
The Fluvanna Master Gardener Plant Sale is the volunteer organization’s only fund-raiser of the year. It’s the source of the $1,000 scholarship for post-secondary horticultural education plus support for local youth education opportunities, including 4-H Summer Camp scholarships.
For further information on the Master Gardeners Plant Sale as well as its many other activities, visit the website,