Time to dust off the golf clubs

By Duncan Nixon

Hopefully all the snow and cold are over and March will be mild. Due to snow and cold temperatures, golf at Lake Monticello was not viable for much of January and most of February. The golfing community is understandably antsy.

Annual memberships at the Lake Monticello course run from March 1 each year to the end of February. So, it is time to head to the Pro Shop and renew contracts for the 2025 season, or sign up for the first time. The fairways will not green up for a while, but the course is very playable as of the end of February. There are a number of different greens fee memberships available, and payment can be made in a lump sum or on a monthly arrangement. There are golf cart fees and range ball contracts available. Some players are able to walk the course, but most players use golf carts. Check in at the Pro Shop.

For men in the 50  and over age group, the Lake Monticello Gray Foxes are looking for returning members and new players. There is a modest annual fee of $65 to join the Foxes. There is an 18-hole group that plays on Thursday mornings and a nine-hole group that plays on Tuesday mornings. Both groups play a variety of different games from week to week. Play will begin in late March and early April. Non-contract holders and non-residents are welcome to join. Check with the Pro Shop if interested in joining, or with Paul Schmidt (901-395-3221). Women golfers at the Lake play on Friday mornings, with no age limit. Contact the Pro Shop to sign up. There is also a spring Wednesday night league that will run for 10 weeks from April 2 to June 4.

A number of annual events are on the calendar for the 2025 season. The Peggy Kirk Bell tournament for top young female golfers will be held at the Lake Monticello course on March 15-16. This two-day tournament brings top high school age golfers from all over the East coast. These young women are trying to obtain college golf scholarships, and they have amazing games. Anyone interested in golf should check this tournament out.

A popular tournament in April is the Fluvanna County Habitat for Humanity tournament. This is a four-player team, Captain’s Choice event that will tee off at 9 a.m. on April 26. In June a major event is the Member-Guest tournament scheduled for June 7-8. Two-man teams compete in a round robin type format, with a shoot-out at the end of the tournament to determine the over-all winning twosome. The annual Lake Monticello Fire and Rescue tournament is scheduled for June 14.

The George Bockman High School Invitational is scheduled for Aug. 7, with the women’s Monticello Cup competition immediately following on Aug. 9-10. September will be a busy month with the Member-Member on 20-21, Couples Championship on Sept. 27 and the Phil Browning Memorial tournament on the 28th.

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