Fluvanna Faces: Nicole Allen


Where do you live?

  • “Sycamore Landing, Troy, VA.”

How long have you lived in Fluvanna County? What brought you here?

  • “12 years. Prior to this my husband and I lived in Baltimore County north of Baltimore. We were tired of driving down 95 into work and seeing nothing but concrete everywhere. When we would visit our friends in Crozet we hated leaving and always said we couldn’t wait to come back down. Then one day we just said it was time and moved down here.”

Tell us about your family.

  • “My husband’s name is Steve; we have two boys Zachary (10) and Bennett (7). We also have two dogs Eutaw and Camden.”

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

  • “I have wanted to be a nurse for as long as I could remember.”

What was your very first job?

  • “My very first job was working for a preschool summer camp at the age of 12. My first real job was in high school working at a craft store and then in the hospital ED.”

What do you do for a living?

  • “Although I am a nurse by trade, I work for the University of Virginia Health System as an electronic medical record (EMR) analyst. I with the software that allows doctors, nurses and healthcare workers to document on a patient’s electronic chart.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?

  • “I love to spend time with my husband and children. We enjoy the outdoors and going to wineries and breweries. I also enjoy working out every day.”

What is one food that you could never live without? What is one you can never bring yourself to eat?

  • “Can’t live without Twizzlers or chocolate and can never bring myself to eat snails.”

If there was a zombie apocalypse, who are three people you would want on your team?

  • “The three people on my team are Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bear Grylls, and Claire from Outlander.”

What are your three favorite movies? Why?

  • “’The Princess Bride’ – because it is fun to quote, ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ – because who doesn’t love a good romantic comedy, and any Hallmark movie.”

Which is better – a novel or a movie?

  • “A novel because you can use your imagination to picture the characters and scenes.”

What fictional character do you wish you could meet and why?

  • “Claire from Outlander – because she is a nurse and women.”

What is the best piece of advice you have received?

  • “It’s a great day for ducks.”

What pivotal decision helped to shape your life?

  • “When I said yes to a date with my now husband. We have been together for 21 years.”

Tell us about a way you have changed over the years.

  • “I have tried to stop controlling too much in my life and take things as they come and enjoy the adventure.”

What has surprised you about your life?

  • “How one small decision can affect so many other things.”

What’s one thing you hope to accomplish before you die?

  • “Travel to foreign lands.”

Tell us about one of your regrets.

  • “I try to live my life without regrets, knowing that all my mistakes give me the chance to learn something new.”

Tell us about your proudest moment.

  • “I am most proud of completing my Master’s. As a working mom, I started a few times and it took a while to complete. This made it all the more worthwhile when I finally completed it.”

Where is your favorite place to travel to?

  • “I love to go to the beach. I have a lot of great memories with my family and friends at the beach. It is both exciting and peaceful at the same time.”

When you are having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

  • “When I have a bad day I call my sister. It is great to hear her voice and she can always cheer me up.”

What quote or saying do you connect with most? Why do you like it?

  • “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift – Eleanor Roosevelt”

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