Author of Skimpy Coverage to speak at library

Contributed by Mona Orange

Friends of the Fluvanna County Library hear from Bonnie M. Hagerman, author of Skimpy Coverage: Sports Illustrated and the Shaping of the Female Athlete at its Sept. 4 meeting starting at 7 p.m.

The 2024 Olympics shined the light on many amazing U.S. women athletes – many that most of us had never heard about. Why not? Perhaps we will have a better understanding when hearing from the Friends of the Library speaker Bonnie Hagerman.

 Bonnie Hagerman is the author of Skimpy Coverage: Sports Illustrated and the Shaping of the Female Athlete and an associate professor of women, gender & sexuality at the University of Virginia, where she serves as the department’s director of undergraduate programs.

After a competitive athletic career concluded and graduate studies beckoned, Ms. Hagerman focused on gender and sport. She decided to use Sports Illustrated as a lens because Sports Illustrated magazines could always be found on her family’s coffee table in the den. She was aware that female athletes were underrepresented in Sports Illustrated, both in terms of the number of stories and the length of those stories but was also curious about the female athletes SI did choose to cover. 

What Bonnie Hagerman learned and wrote about in her book is fascinating!

This Friends of the Library meeting will take place in the library meeting room. Refreshments will be served, and books will be available for purchase and signing. 

The public is invited to this free monthly meeting of the Friends of the Fluvanna County Library at 214 Commons Blvd.  Please call the library with any questions at 434- 589-1400. 

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