Mar. 26, 20200285Press release
The Fluvanna County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to providing proper service and law enforcement response our citizens during this COVID-19 epidemic. Like many organizations, we have modified how we operate in order to mitigate exposure risk to our staff and contamination risk to our citizens. As first responders, we...
Mar. 26, 20200653Press release
Fluvanna County continues to monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation.
.Residents are encouraged to consult available, credible resources to maintain awareness, and to observe healthy practices.
County updates may be found at
As of March 19, Fluvanna...
Mar. 19, 20200264Press release
The Fluvanna County government, sheriff’s office and the
Fluvanna County Public Schools, continue to monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. Though there are no known cases in the County, Fluvanna continues to monitor and prepare.
Residents are encouraged to consult available, credible...
Mar. 19, 20200293Press release
Fluvanna County continues to monitor guidance from the CDC and VDH. There are no cases of
COVID-19 in our community at this time.
Upcoming Public Meetings
Effective March 16 and at least until April 5, 2020:
All Boards, Committees, and Commissions meetings, with the following exceptions:
Mar. 19, 20200322By Heather Michon
Over objections of a vocal group of citizens, the James River Water Authority (JRWA) unanimously approved a motion to move forward with an application to the Army Corps of Engineers to construct a water pumping station atop a site the Monacan Indian Nation believes to be the remains of their historic...
Mar. 19, 20200113By Ruthann Carr
(The school board meeting took place before Gov. Northam ordered schools closed from March 16 to March 27.)
After a 2-2 tied vote, the Fluvanna County School Board on Wednesday (March 11) will vote again next month on whether to approve continued participation in E-Sports.
James Kelley (Palmyra)...
Mar. 19, 202001051Fallout from coronavirus
By Tricia Johnson
Fluvanna Food Bank Manager Bertha Armstrong expects more Fluvanna residents will need help feeding their families in the weeks to come, as the coronavirus outbreak continues.
Families that ordinarily rely on the free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch program at Fluvanna...