Feb. 12, 20200186By Heather Michon
County Administrator Eric Dahl unveiled a $84.5 million budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21).
Dahl told the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday night (Feb. 5) that overall expenditures were projected to be $1.78 million higher than FY20, for a total increase of 2%.
To fund the increase, he...
Feb. 6, 20200573By Heather Michon
A bill that could lead to better protections for humans and deer on Virginia’s roadways has advanced out of committee in the Virginia House of Delegates with the help of Delegate R. Lee Ware (R-65th Dist.), who represents part of Fluvanna County.
If passed by the legislature, the Wildlife Corridor...
Feb. 6, 20200325Black History Month
By Heather Michon
On August 23, 1821, an African-American performer named Charles Payne died of heart failure in a hotel in Amritsar, India -- ending an epic journey begun more than seven decades earlier in Fluvanna County.
Little is known about Payne and his family prior to...
Feb. 6, 20200129Press release
The House Criminal Laws Subcommittee on Jan. 28 unanimously endorsed a bill patroned by Del. Rob Bell (R-Albemarle) to ensure that an owner properly quarantines a potentially rabid dog or cat.
House Bill 1573 would require an owner to quarantine a dog or cat after receiving an order or agreeing to do so pursuant to...
Jan. 30, 20200191By Heather Michon
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday (Jan 22) was relatively brief, with only two items up for a vote and number of presentations and updates. Supervisor Tony O’Brien (Rivanna) was away for the evening.
Among the highlights of the meeting:
Supervisors approved policy...