Aug. 7, 20190139The Fluvanna County School Board unanimously approved the appointment of Chris Mazella as the new Fluvanna Middle School (FMS) assistant principal, according to a press release.
The division and FMS organized a school-based panel of team leaders which received 16 applications and conducted 16 interviews before selecting Mazella at its...
Jul. 31, 201901233Heather Michon
A candidate for Fluvanna County Treasurer believes incumbent Linda H. Lenherr may have violated election law earlier this month.
Kim Oliver Hyland told a Charlottesville news station that she saw Lenherr and some Treasurer’s office staff carrying what appeared to be campaign-related materials when...
Jul. 31, 20190251By Duncan Nixon
The Fluco sports calendar for the fall season is in place and the action begins soon. Traditionally fall brings us football, volleyball, golf, competition cheer and cross country. This fall there is a new sport on the Fluco calendar. It is girls’ field hockey. This is a fast-paced sport that tends to...
Karenne Wood of Kents Store, Va., an advocate for Virginia’s Indian tribes, died Sunday morning, July 21, 2019. She was 59.
Wood joined the Virginia Humanities Board as a member in 2004 as its first Virginia Indian representative. She joined the staff in 2007. She was the director of Virginia Humanities’ Virginia Indian...
Jul. 31, 20190105By Page H. Gifford
Framing art properly is the final complement to the finished product the artist creates. There is a difference when framing for oneself and framing for exhibits. Watercolor artists William Snow and Linda Bethke spoke about proper framing and promotion with members of...
Jul. 26, 201901362By Ruthann Carr, correspondent
Despite a national teachers’ shortage, Fluvanna schools found more than 50 people to fill open staff and teacher positions.
Welcome the following who are preparing their classrooms and eagerly awaiting the arrival of students on Aug. 8.
Jennifer Gifford,...