Park and ride

Located at the site of the Goodwill drop-off, adjacent to Lake Monticello, the lot typically contains only a car or two.  By establishing the area as a park and ride facility, county officials provide members of the community a designated space to leave their vehicles so that they may carpool together.


Although no county official reported hearing of a need for such a facility, the idea enjoyed widespread approval as a useful amenity.  “I support anything that reduces traffic on [Rt.] 53,” Chairman Shaun Kenney joked.

The park and ride area will be available to members of the community at no charge.

Supervisors learned that child abuse is a serious problem in Fluvanna. Members of social services made a presentation to the board in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, which is known in Fluvanna as Celebrating Children Month.  After describing their procedures for protecting children and meeting with parents, the social workers shared some chilling statistics.  Since last May, Fluvanna social services has received 172 reports of child abuse and neglect, of which 119 were valid.  Thirteen children are presently in foster care.

Social services will hold its annual Celebrating Children Fair on Sat., April 27 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Carysbook Elementary, and invites the public to enjoy games, prizes, information, and lots of free fun.

Fluvanna purchasing officer Joseph Rodish detailed several measures the county is taking to streamline its procurement policies and procedures.  Most notably, Rodish has spearheaded the creation of a database that contains all the contracts with which the county is involved.  Previously, this information was difficult to pick out from a labyrinth of unsynchronized records.  Rodish is optimistic about the administrative benefits of employing such a centralized, user-friendly system.

Leslie Middleton, executive director of the Rivanna River Basin Commission, educated the board about the health of the Rivanna River.  Because the Rivanna spans several counties, Middleton’s commission exists to unify those localities in order to achieve cohesive care and management of the river.  Before her presentation, the board reappointed Marvin Moss to the commission as a citizen representative.

A public hearing on the count budget will be held next Wednesday, April 10, at 7 p.m., and the scheduled adoption of the budget is set for April 17.


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