Mary Weaver

Where do you live?
Lake Monticello
How long have you lived in Fluvanna? What brought you here?
Fourteen years ago, my husband transferred from North Carolina. We made the move in order to be closer to family in Pennsylvania.
Tell me about your work.
I work in Fluvanna county government as clerk to the board of supervisors/administrative assistant. As such, I am responsible for any needs the supervisors may have.  In addition to finding and delivering whatever information they ask for, I put together the detailed packets they consult at their meetings.  I am present at all board of supervisors meetings, recording everything done and said in the form of meeting minutes. I also maintain the county web site, send out press releases, and serve as a notary of public.
Tell me about your family.
In June, my husband and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  Our daughter attends Ferrum College and our son is in the Virginia Air National Guard as an F22 crew chief.  We have a daughter-in-law and two wonderful grandchildren, a 4-year-old boy and a 1-year-old girl.
Tell me about a hobby you have.
I love kayaking the Rivanna: it’s nice, peaceful, and slow. Another love is spending time with my grandchildren, so my favorite pleasures combine when my little grandson comes along on the river.  I can’t wait till the 1-year-old can join in.
Describe one of the highlights of your life.
Becoming a grandmother was definitely a huge highlight of my life.  It’s the best thing ever. If I had known it was this great, I would have had the grandkids before the kids!
Describe one of the biggest surprises of your life.
Life itself is a big surprise.
Describe one of the tragedies/struggles of your life.
I am in the Virginia Air National Guard and have 21 years of service. Before I transferred I was in North Carolina stationed at the 145th airlift wing.  Last July, the Modular Airborne Firefighting System (MAFFS) unit had a plane crash in South Dakota while they were fighting fires. Four soldiers were killed.  I knew the flight engineer and also the loadmaster, who was injured. It was a terrible tragedy. They were a part of my military family and will be extremely missed by many.
Describe a dream you have for your future.
Someday I hope to go see Australia. On a more personal level, I am working towards living life day by day.
Describe a fear you have for your future.
Losing my children. It’s an unwritten rule: You go before your children.  Upsets to this natural order are among the most shattering of personal experiences.
Here’s your chance to sound off. If you could give one public service announcement/word of advice to the public at large, what would it be?
I’m pulling from a favorite Alabama song and a book by Richard Carlson: Life is short. Don’t sweat the small stuff – and it’s all small stuff.

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