Kayla Pace

Tell us about a hobby you have.
I love to read. I read a lot of fiction, especially by my favorite author, Karen Kingsbury. I also love clothes shopping – it’s fun. Mostly I love spending time with my family. During the summer we do a lot of cookouts with extended family. They all live around here.
Describe one of the highlights of your life.
In just a few days I am going to Awassa, Ethiopia with my church, Calvary Chapel. Our team will be working in an orphanage for two weeks. We’ll be doing a little vacation Bible school. They say that time over there isn’t as rushed as it is here, and we’ll be able to get to know the people and just talk – you know, enjoy each other’s company without worrying about schedules. I’m really excited about that. There are between 20 and 25 children in the orphanage, and they age from newborn to 14 years old. I’ve always wanted to work with orphans, so if I wasn’t able to take this trip I would have worked with foster kids in Richmond.
Describe one of the biggest surprises of your life.
Actually, getting this job and realizing that this is what I want to do. At first I was wary of being at the high school – I thought it would be intimidating. But then I realized that these are just kids who need someone to understand them and work on their level.
Describe one of the tragedies/struggles of your life.
Last year my dad had a ruptured appendix and we almost lost him. He was in the hospital for two weeks. They weren’t sure for a while if he’d be okay because they said it was the worst case they had ever seen. My dad is the kind of person who will still go to work even if he doesn’t feel well. Even after it ruptured he was still trying to go to work. My mom made him stay home and called the emergency room. The whole process was really hard, but he made a full recovery.
Describe a dream you have for your future.
I’d like to have my own place and start a family. I want to adopt – from anywhere, including the foster system. I just care so much about kids who haven’t been brought up in a home like I was with two parents who were still together, and a great family, and that’s what I want to provide.
Describe a fear you have for your future.
I fear with my teaching that someone won’t make it. This semester there was a guy who didn’t graduate – it was hard for me, but he just didn’t make it. I want everyone to do well. If they don’t, I try not to think that it’s a reflection on me or my teaching skills, but in the back of my mind I wonder what I could have done differently, how I could have reached them or helped them more.
Here’s your chance to sound off. If you could give one public service announcement or one word of advice to the public at large,
what would it be?

Love well. So much can happen. When people know that you love and care about them it makes such a big difference.

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