
Stang will begin his job July 9. He replaces Yardley Farquharson, who resigned.

School Superintendent Gena Keller said she is “very encouraged by his depth of knowledge in the instructional realm, and by his past experiences in the middle school level,” and added, “I am excited for the opportunity for him, but most importantly for our staff and our students at Fluvanna Middle School.”

Keller explained the process by which Stang was selected, “With positions of this nature we use a panel to select the finalists and then the top three finalists are interviewed by me and  (Charles) Winkler, the assistant superintendent.”

Keller added that the school board “won’t know until late July or August if (Fluvanna Middle School) is fully accredited,” but added “we remain encouraged by the preliminary numbers, and I do believe that Mr. Stang will be the one to continue to lead us and to build on the things that the staff has accomplished this year.”

Stang earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Central Florida and holds a Master’s Degree in educational leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University.  He has served as a middle school assistant principal in Hanover County for two years at Chickahominy Middle School and for five years at Liberty Middle School.

Stang is married and has three-year-old twins, a boy and a girl.

“I am honored and blessed to be a part of this school division and excited to be working at Fluvanna Middle School,” said Stang. “I am looking forward to working with the staff and the community to help students achieve their best academically and socially.  Together we will strengthen our community.”

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