Bobby Loving

Where did you go to college?
I went to Longwood College – back before it became a university.
Who are you married to, and how fabulous is she?
I married Sue Rosson – a childhood friend. We grew up together and always went to the same church. She is caring and funny and an awesome mother and grandmother. She has worked at U.Va. for over 30 years. She is the drummer for our church’s praise band.
Introduce us to your fantastic children …
I have two children and I am very proud of both of them. Joshua is 26. He is an Albemarle County firefighter.
He is married to Kristen, who works at U.Va. hospital. Sarah is 24. She is an Oncology RN at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina. She is married to Andrew Campbell who is a student at Campbell University in North Carolina.
…and tell us all about your newest addition…
The latest addition to our family is our beautiful granddaughter Riley Madison Loving. She is 2 months old and we just love her. I am really enjoying being a grandfather.
What is your favorite “fun” thing to do in Fluvanna County?
For fun, we enjoy getting together with family as often as we can. We enjoy playing dominoes, cornhole, and disc golf. We also like tubing on the James and canoeing on the Rivanna.
What do you know about Fluvanna that we might not know?
E.W. Thomas’s Grocery Store used to be on Main Street in the village of Palmyra.
What are you most looking forward to doing in the next year or so?
I am most looking forward to spending as much time as possible with our new granddaughter and watching her change and grow over the next year.

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