Janice Grandstaff

What do you know about Fluvanna that we might not know?
Fluvanna used to be really rural.
Isn’t it still is rural?
Well, not to me. You used to be able to drive down empty roads for miles and now it’s house, house, house. A lot of people have moved in from other places and now we have a very divergent culture. This used to be a very black white county. Now we have a lot of different cultures. I remember when the dentist office had a separate door for whites and blacks. My family always judged people based on their actions. Growing up, one of my best friends was my neighbor, an African American. We loved each other but we had to go to separate schools. The schools were not equal. The white schools were brick and fairly large and the “colored” school was wood and pretty small.
What’s one of your hobbies?
A present hobby I have is square dancing. I started for exercise about four years ago. Right now I am the president of Fluvanna Flutterwheels. Also I am a pianist and play the organ and have directed choirs for many years.
What’s one of the highlights of your life?
I served as senior sponsor to the senior class for a long time and one of the years the class had collected money and made me a plaque and gotten me a dozen roses for graduation and they gave me a standing ovation. That was very touching. I also received a letter from a student about halfway through her freshmen year of college telling me how she had been tempted to do “so and so” but had thought about the look on my face when I found out and couldn’t do it. She is now a very successful administrator at a college in Georgia.
Describe a dream you have for your future.
To have enough money to leave on top of my game as a teacher and travel the world. First I would go to every state, then I would travel the rest of the world.
If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you and why?
Well my favorite actress is Julia Roberts. My second choice would be Sandra Bullock. I would pick them because they’re my favorites.
If you could give one public service announcement or one word of advice to the public at large, what would it be?
The immediate thing that comes to mind is love your kids. So many of the students that come into this school need to be loved. Also, love your education, but not just to get an A. I love to learn just to learn. People need to keep the curiosity and awesomeness of learning. Learning is fun.


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