When a comprehensive engineering survey was done of all the buildings at the Lake (by an outside engineering firm), the recommendation was to replace the current building rather than repair it. Repairs would be extensive and cost prohibitive. The Repair & Replacement project would do just that. The dues increase is not solely for a golf facility. The actual golf part of the Bunker facility would remain the same but space for community events, meetings, and social gatherings would be added. Right now, the golf facility is not used solely by golfers, but is open to all residents and guests of the Lake. The Ashlawn Clubhouse would be given a redesign within the existing footprint of the building, along with updated (ADA) restrooms, meeting and dining space and administration offices.
How could improving our current facilities not reflect positively on home value? Would it make more sense to allow these buildings to slowly sink into disuse? The writer states that “we need sensible projects not special interest projects.” If repairing and replacing the two main facilities available for community use is not sensible, I don’t know what is.