Lori Hall

What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time I really enjoy hanging out with friends. I also enjoy reading. My favorite books are mystery books.
What pivotal decision helped to shape your life?
There are two decisions that have shaped my life. First, deciding to become a teacher has allowed me a very fulfilling career. I wanted to be a nurse when I was young, but the sight of blood literally made me sick. Therefore, being a nurse was out.
The second decision is my marriage to my husband. He and I have established a very happy life with our two children. I would not be where I am today without him.
Tell us about a way you have changed over the years.
Something that David (my husband) and I laugh about is that we are becoming more alike with each passing year. In our younger days, he was laid back, where I was more worrisome. Now, he worries more and I try to let the small stuff go.
What has surprised you about your life?
I had to really think about this question. I don’t think anything really surprises me. I ended up with a wonderful family, which I always believed I would have. I ended up in Charlottesville, my hometown, which is where I figured I’d be when I grew up. Overall, I am extremely blessed.
What’s one thing you hope to accomplish before you die?
Although I love to teach and love my students, I would like to retire early enough to travel and explore the country.
Tell us about one of your regrets.
One regret I have is that I wish I had spent more time with my father before he died. Being young, I couldn’t wait to move out and live on my own. Once I did that, I didn’t go home very often. I was living in Richmond when my father had a heart attack. I hadn’t seen him in over a month. It breaks my heart that I missed out on spending time with him.
What quote or saying do you connect with most? Why do you like it?
“The beautiful thing about learning is no one can take it away from you.” (BB King)
I was looking for inspirational quotes this summer to put on my classroom door. This one really struck me, being a teacher. I am not sure how many of my students have read the quotes I put on the door, but if it sticks with at least one kid, I think it could make a difference in their lives.

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