FCHS honor roll

Adkins, Jessica Lee          10           A-B Honor Roll

Albright, Meredith Gabrielle        11           A-B Honor Roll

Allbaugh, Carter M.         12           A-B Honor Roll

Al-Safi, Reem Hussein     8             A-B Honor Roll

Anderson, Duquan Romello         12           A-B Honor Roll

Anderson, Dylan James  10           A-B Honor Roll

Antesberger, Audrey Veronica    9             A-B Honor Roll

Antesberger, Emily Odellia           10           A-B Honor Roll

Armentrout, Jeremy T    8             A-B Honor Roll

Armstrong, Khadarius Malik         12           A-B Honor Roll

Arrington, Shalon Alisse Paige     8             A-B Honor Roll

Ashby, Porter Indy           10           A-B Honor Roll

Ashton, Taileek Nasir      9             A-B Honor Roll

Avant, Eric Andrew          10           A-B Honor Roll

Baird, Tyler Austin            9             A-B Honor Roll

Baker, Emily Alexandra   11           A-B Honor Roll

Baker, Kendall Nicole      12           A-B Honor Roll

Ball-Smialek, Ethan Elias               8             A-B Honor Roll

Baskfield, Ayanna Karin  8             All A’s

Beach, Tiffany Amber      12           All A’s

Begley, Shayna Dawn      12           A-B Honor Roll

Belew, Victoria Lauren Patience 11           A-B Honor Roll

Berry, Blake Franklin       9             A-B Honor Roll

Best, Scott B.W. 9             A-B Honor Roll

Best, Shjon L.J.  12           A-B Honor Roll

Bislimi, Adonis   8             A-B Honor Roll

Bislimi, Agnesa  10           A-B Honor Roll

Black, Loren Alyssa          8             All A’s

Blackburn, Amy Nichole 8             A-B Honor Roll

Bland, Johnna K 12           A-B Honor Roll

Blevins, Jacob Allen         12           A-B Honor Roll

Booker, Amaiya Charlize               9             A-B Honor Roll

Booker, Gabriel Leshawn              12           A-B Honor Roll

Boone, Megan Lindsay   9             All A’s

Bossong, Bridget Nicole 12           A-B Honor Roll

Botkin, Ellee Roxanne     8             All A’s

Bourne, Hayley Elizabeth              8             A-B Honor Roll

Bourne, Isaiah Winston  8             A-B Honor Roll

Bowman, Ashtin Paige    12           A-B Honor Roll

Boyle, Glenn       11           A-B Honor Roll

Boyle, Jason       9             A-B Honor Roll

Bradshaw, Camille Olivia              8             A-B Honor Roll

Breeden, Austin Edward               9             A-B Honor Roll

Breeden, Hannah Grace 9             A-B Honor Roll

Bridge, Connor Wyant    8             A-B Honor Roll

Bridge, William Patrick   9             A-B Honor Roll

Bridges, Samantha Beatriz            9             A-B Honor Roll

Bright, Derrick Trevaughn             12           A-B Honor Roll

Brooks, Mathew Charles               11           A-B Honor Roll

Brophy, Logan Kathleen 8             All A’s

Bryant, Julianne Nichole               11           All A’s

Bryant, Savanna Leigh    9             All A’s

Bunch, Rose Leigh           8             A-B Honor Roll

Burton, Mariah Desiree  10           A-B Honor Roll

Butler, Ryan Cole             11           All A’s

Byram, James Morgan    12           A-B Honor Roll

Cabrera, Kristen Morgan               10           A-B Honor Roll

Campanelli, Keegan Maguire       12           All A’s

Campbell, Alexus Trinity Ann       9             A-B Honor Roll

Campbell, Harper Kate   12           All A’s

Campbell, Kayla Marie    9             A-B Honor Roll

Campbell, Trenton McKinley        10           A-B Honor Roll

Carbee, Joshua Scott      12           A-B Honor Roll

Carel, Madison Nichole  10           A-B Honor Roll

Carlton, Gabriel Michael               8             A-B Honor Roll

Carney, Caleb Evan          9             All A’s

Carney, Nathan Patrick   11           A-B Honor Roll

Carr, Susannah Caroline 11           A-B Honor Roll

Carver, Garrett Michael  8             A-B Honor Roll

Carver, Matthew Hunter               8             A-B Honor Roll

Castillo-Zuniga, Mauricio Siracides            8             A-B Honor Roll

Chervenak, Nicholas Andrew       10           A-B Honor Roll

Cheung, Brandon Heng-Fung       12           All A’s

Childs, Vanessa Leilah     10           A-B Honor Roll

Chisholm, Benjamin David            8             A-B Honor Roll

Chisholm, Kaylee Evelyn 8             All A’s

Chittenden, Mary Ann Maxene   8             A-B Honor Roll

Chow, Eugene Ishnoolujuletsku   9             A-B Honor Roll

Christian, Raleigh Ellen   12           All A’s

Clarke, Casey Taylor        10           All A’s

Cobb, Shaun Thomas      10           A-B Honor Roll

Coleman, Taylor Brooke 12           A-B Honor Roll

Colver, Melissa Elizabeth              12           A-B Honor Roll

Condoulis, Christopher Steven    10           A-B Honor Roll

Conner, Sadie Lynn          9             All A’s

Cook, Holly Ann 11           A-B Honor Roll

Coppa, Michael James    12           A-B Honor Roll

Coppa, Noah David          10           A-B Honor Roll

Coppola, Liana Rose        11           All A’s

Cordes, Andrew Joseph  8             A-B Honor Roll

Corredera-Wells, Kayla Lynn        12           A-B Honor Roll

Cortez, Jennifer 9             A-B Honor Roll

Craft, Amelia Ray             8             A-B Honor Roll

Crawford, Madison Grace             8             A-B Honor Roll

Critzer, Christopher Jacob            9             A-B Honor Roll

Crothers, Rebecca Lynn  11           A-B Honor Roll

Crouch, Walter Quint Eugene      12           A-B Honor Roll

Cruz, Anthony James      10           A-B Honor Roll

Custer, William Alden     8             A-B Honor Roll

Dahl, Garrison Gage        11           A-B Honor Roll

Daniels, Asia Yvette         12           All A’s

Davis, Addison Myles      8             A-B Honor Roll

Davis, Emory Nathaniel  8             All A’s

Davis, Jacquelynn McKenzie         12           A-B Honor Roll

Davis, Lydia Esme             10           A-B Honor Roll

Day, Payton Elizabeth     10           All A’s

Dean, Christopher Andrew           12           A-B Honor Roll

Dech, Jason Michael        8             All A’s

Delaurier, Jake Anthony 12           A-B Honor Roll

DeMers, Alexus 12           All A’s

DeMers, Bryce Law         10           All A’s

Desgrosiellier, Emily Rae              11           A-B Honor Roll

DeVarennes, Reanna Marie         10           A-B Honor Roll

DiFazio, Michael Loring  11           A-B Honor Roll

Dillon, Haley Victoria      12           A-B Honor Roll

Dillon, Kathleen Elizabeth             9             A-B Honor Roll

Dillon, Wyatt Vinson       8             A-B Honor Roll

Dobrin, Lillian Grace        9             A-B Honor Roll

Dobson, Britney Kay        11           A-B Honor Roll

Donald, Hailey Marie      9             A-B Honor Roll

Dresler, Anna A 9             All A’s

Dressler, Kelsey Luanne 8             A-B Honor Roll

Dudley, Montana Danielle            9             All A’s

Duenas, Brooklyn Rose  12           All A’s

Duenas, Jadelyn Cori       12           All A’s

Duffau, Marian Hope      11           A-B Honor Roll

Dugan, Mackenzie Lynn 11           All A’s

Dunn, Madeline Elizabeth             11           A-B Honor Roll

Durant, Mikela Michele  12           A-B Honor Roll

Easter, James Cloetingh 10           All A’s

Easter, John Edmund       10           All A’s

Eddings, Dante’ Javon     9             A-B Honor Roll

Edgerton, Sarah Ann       12           A-B Honor Roll

Elliott, Joshua Adam        9             A-B Honor Roll

England, Cierra Lynn       11           A-B Honor Roll

Estes, Annaliese                11           All A’s

Estes, Leah Wentworth  9             All A’s

Etchison, Seth Adam       8             A-B Honor Roll

Fain, Mackenzie Eleanor               8             All A’s

Farmer, Annelizabeth Nicole       9             A-B Honor Roll

Farruggio, Andrew Joseph            9             A-B Honor Roll

Farruggio, Hannah Beare              11           A-B Honor Roll

Feathers, Diana Lynn      9             A-B Honor Roll

Feathers, Erin Lee            9             All A’s

Federico, Sasha L.            8             All A’s

Fierro-Ramirez, Denise   9             A-B Honor Roll

Finley, Keera Izabel         8             All A’s

Fisher, Brianna A.S.         9             A-B Honor Roll

Fleming, Samuel Preston              12           All A’s

Ford, Rodney James        10           A-B Honor Roll

Franco, Melvin Adrian     10           All A’s

Frederick, Camryn Nicole             10           A-B Honor Roll

Fulton, Frances Noelle    10           A-B Honor Roll

Gamage, Adora C             9             All A’s

Gant, Dionna Marie         10           A-B Honor Roll

Garrett, Madison E.         11           All A’s

Garrison, Cassidy Brooke              9             A-B Honor Roll

Garrison, Kaleka Diann   9             A-B Honor Roll

Gibson, Jonathan Tyler   12           A-B Honor Roll

Goode, Miranda Lynn     12           A-B Honor Roll

Goodson, Emily Joann    9             A-B Honor Roll

Goodson, Jenna Elizabeth             8             A-B Honor Roll

Goodwin, Gabrielle Kathryn         9             A-B Honor Roll

Gordon, Katlin    9             A-B Honor Roll

Graham, Conrad Quinlan              10           A-B Honor Roll

Graves, Bryce M.              10           A-B Honor Roll

Graves, Zachary Alan      9             A-B Honor Roll

Gray, Nasair Aaron          12           A-B Honor Roll

Graziano, Marisa Paige   9             A-B Honor Roll

Green, Sequoia Eunique 8             A-B Honor Roll

Grimsley, Colin D.            12           All A’s

Grimsley, Madison P.      10           A-B Honor Roll

Grubbs, Madelyn Elizabeth          8             A-B Honor Roll

Guess, Andrew James     12           A-B Honor Roll

Guida, Madelyn Kayla     11           A-B Honor Roll

Hagan, Samuel Allen       10           All A’s

Hagood, Marideth Elizabeth        9             A-B Honor Roll

Hahn-Fulk, Jacob Tyler    12           A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Avery Blair           12           All A’s

Haislip, Brett Cole            12           All A’s

Haislip, Lillie Caroline      9             A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Madison Elise     8             A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Taylor Marie       11           A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Tyler Victoria      11           A-B Honor Roll

Haley, Kayla Nicole          11           A-B Honor Roll

Halpin, Samuel James     8             A-B Honor Roll

Halstead, Kendall Elaine 8             A-B Honor Roll

Hamill, Justin Patrick       9             A-B Honor Roll

Hamill, Matthew David   12           All A’s

Hammond, Fergus           10           All A’s

Hammond, Michaela Jean            11           A-B Honor Roll

Hammond, Michelle L.   10           All A’s

Hamner, Addison Hope  8             A-B Honor Roll

Hamshar, Alexis Diane    9             A-B Honor Roll

Hamshar, William Nathaniel        8             A-B Honor Roll

Haney, Amber Saige        10           A-B Honor Roll

Hankins, Jasmine Renee 11           A-B Honor Roll

Hanson, Noah Delton      12           A-B Honor Roll

Harlowe, Anthony Wade               11           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Alexis Taylor        9             A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Amanda Lee         11           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Anna Noelle         8             A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Onae Ann              11           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Prophett Maneal               9             All A’s

Harris, Zachary Scott       12           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Zaria Charda         11           All A’s

Hartzog, Zachary Alexander         11           A-B Honor Roll

Hawkins, Shantika Nicole             9             All A’s

Haynes, Trinity Jordan    9             A-B Honor Roll

Hearns, Ma’Shayla Nicole             8             A-B Honor Roll

Heide, Olivia Rae             9             A-B Honor Roll

Heister, Alexander Morris             12           All A’s

Hellms, Autumn Rose     11           A-B Honor Roll

Henderson, Georgia Celeste        10           All A’s

Henley III, Thomas Walker            12           A-B Honor Roll

Herndon, Gwyneth Lorna             12           All A’s

Herring, McKenzie Renee             9             A-B Honor Roll

Hill, Malachi Christopher               8             All A’s

Hill, Olivia Marie               9             A-B Honor Roll

Hoffman, Niva Elizabeth 10           A-B Honor Roll

Holsapple, Brianna Paige              8             A-B Honor Roll

Holtz Jr, Bradley Paul      8             All A’s

Holtz, Kelsey Joan            11           A-B Honor Roll

Holyfield, Shaun William               10           A-B Honor Roll

Houseknecht, Amber Louise Faith             8             All A’s

Howard III, LeRon Trey   8             A-B Honor Roll

Hughes, Amy Naomi       8             All A’s

Hughes, Carlene Erica     12           A-B Honor Roll

Hughes, Haley Anne        12           All A’s

Hughes, Madison Joelle 9             A-B Honor Roll

Hughes, Natalie Michelle              11           A-B Honor Roll

Humphrey, Newlin Ann  10           A-B Honor Roll

Hunsaker, Alisha Lauren 8             All A’s

Ivory, Nevaeh Heaven     8             A-B Honor Roll

Jackson, Justin M.            9             A-B Honor Roll

Jackson, Naomi Martina 10           All A’s

Jarrell, Tucker Wade       8             A-B Honor Roll

Johnson, Kalena Dawn    11           A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Hannah Nicole     12           A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Leah Breann          8             A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Rhett Dugan         9             A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Xavier Marquise   12           A-B Honor Roll

Jonkman, Shenandoah Lynn        8             All A’s

Jordan, Haley Michelle   12           All A’s

Justus, Mason Alan          9             A-B Honor Roll

Keaton, Abbigail Estelle  8             A-B Honor Roll

Keaton, Kaitlyn Ann         9             A-B Honor Roll

Kelley, Shaina Alexis        12           A-B Honor Roll

Kennedy, Haley Marie    10           All A’s

Kennedy, Morgan Elizabeth         12           A-B Honor Roll

Kent, Claire Elizabeth      8             All A’s

Kent, Nicole Mackenzie  11           All A’s

Kershner, John Nicholas 9             All A’s

Kershner, Sophia Marie  11           All A’s

Key, Andre-A’Bryanna Winter-Grace         12           A-B Honor Roll

Kidd, Hailee Jordan          10           A-B Honor Roll

Kingsley, Cassandra Lynn              11           A-B Honor Roll

Kirby, Donald William     11           All A’s

Kirby, Jessica Anne           11           A-B Honor Roll

Kirby, Lauren Fitzgerald  10           All A’s

Kissai, Zadiyah A.             12           All A’s

Koch, Tristen Marie         11           A-B Honor Roll

Koczan, Brittney Marie   12           A-B Honor Roll

Koczan, Leukas Danny     8             A-B Honor Roll

Koczan, Victoria Paige    9             A-B Honor Roll

Kolczynski, Matthew C   9             A-B Honor Roll

Koslowski, Caden Dennis               10           All A’s

Krett, Brendan James     11           A-B Honor Roll

Kritzer, Caleb Forrest      8             A-B Honor Roll

Lafferty, Michelle Nicole               11           A-B Honor Roll

Lang, Matthew Tyler       11           A-B Honor Roll

Lawson, Trenton Wade  11           A-B Honor Roll

Ledford, Hannah Riley    9             A-B Honor Roll

Lee, Destiny Tonia           8             A-B Honor Roll

Lee, Harrison Yeung-I     11           A-B Honor Roll

Lee, Kailah Destiny           10           A-B Honor Roll

Leichtentritt, Sophia Milli             10           A-B Honor Roll

Leitzel, Owen James        11           A-B Honor Roll

Lewis, Aaliyah Alise         8             A-B Honor Roll

Leyshon, Bayley Rebecca              9             All A’s

Liles, Emily Rebecca        11           A-B Honor Roll

Lindo, Jakob Charles        9             All A’s

Lintecum, Abigail June    12           All A’s

Lintecum, Hattie Diane   8             A-B Honor Roll

Long, Christian Issac       11           A-B Honor Roll

Lucas, Brandon Michael 8             A-B Honor Roll

Ludwig, Megan Kathleen               11           A-B Honor Roll

Luevano, Marcus Anthony            12           A-B Honor Roll

Luevano, Victoria Lauraine           10           A-B Honor Roll

Lyons III, Charles Edward              8             All A’s

Madison, Kathryn Marie               10           A-B Honor Roll

Mance, Peter Eric Jr        10           All A’s

Many, Rachel Erin            10           A-B Honor Roll

Marlowe, Samantha Louise          8             All A’s

Marshall, Cameron Alexis             8             A-B Honor Roll

Marshall, Samantha Ashleigh       9             All A’s

Martin, Cory Burruss       9             All A’s

Martin, Essence Lov’e     9             A-B Honor Roll

Martin, Iyanna Alania     8             A-B Honor Roll

Martin, Kaylee A.             9             A-B Honor Roll

Martin, Shannon F.          10           A-B Honor Roll

Masinovic, Elvis 8             A-B Honor Roll

Maupin, Morgan Elizabeth           10           A-B Honor Roll

Maynard, Alexa Marlaine              11           A-B Honor Roll

Mayo-Pitts, Mikel             12           A-B Honor Roll

McBride, Alexis Mary      11           A-B Honor Roll

McBride, Brianna Marjorie           9             A-B Honor Roll

McBride, Matthew Gregory         11           A-B Honor Roll

McCann, Rebecca Jane   9             A-B Honor Roll

McCormick, Tess Halen  9             All A’s

McDaniel, Allen Emmett               12           All A’s

McDaniel, Jonathan Lee 9             A-B Honor Roll

McDonald, Victoria Lane               11           A-B Honor Roll

McFarlane, Lindsay Ann 12           A-B Honor Roll

McGehee, Eva Jane         11           All A’s

McGlothlin, Finnegan William     9             A-B Honor Roll

McGrath, Abigale Rose   8             A-B Honor Roll

Megahan, Ian Michael    8             A-B Honor Roll

Milburn, Logan Edmund 8             A-B Honor Roll

Milburn, Morgan Frederick           11           All A’s

Milligan, James Avery     10           A-B Honor Roll

Milligan, Renee 11           All A’s

Milliman, Syerra Lauren 9             All A’s

Mirsky, Kayla      11           All A’s

Mirsky, Rebecca Gene    12           A-B Honor Roll

Moe, Trevor Lee               11           A-B Honor Roll

Monahan, Brianne Marie              12           All A’s

Monahan, Steven M       9             A-B Honor Roll

Moncure, Mary Katherine             10           A-B Honor Roll

Moneymaker, Allison Paige         10           A-B Honor Roll

Monger, Karson Dean     10           A-B Honor Roll

Mooney, Benjamin Dale 10           A-B Honor Roll

Mooney, Matthew Christopher   10           A-B Honor Roll

Moore, Alyson May         12           All A’s

Moore, Laura Elizabeth  10           A-B Honor Roll

Moore, Mark Justin         9             A-B Honor Roll

Moore, Mckenzie Michelle           8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Chloe Elizabeth  8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Hali Michele        8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Kara Lindsay        12           A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Katrina Nichole  9             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Mackenzie Blake              8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Shane     10           A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Wendy C.            9             A-B Honor Roll

Movchanyuk, Kateryna Oleksandrivna      11           All A’s

Muddiman, Tyler James 8             A-B Honor Roll

Muller, Rachel Anne        10           A-B Honor Roll

Mundy, Dakota Vaughn  9             A-B Honor Roll

Myers-Floyd, Regan Elizabeth      10           A-B Honor Roll

Myrie, Aleesha Michelle 11           A-B Honor Roll

Napier, Lydiah Renee      9             All A’s

Nardone, Stephanie Marie           11           A-B Honor Roll

Naselska, Diana 9             All A’s

Nazar, Brooke Elizabeth 8             A-B Honor Roll

Nazar, Madison Ann        9             A-B Honor Roll

Nazari-Valashesjerdi, Paul Behrang           9             A-B Honor Roll

Ness, Ayiana Olivia          8             A-B Honor Roll

Newman, Graham F.       9             A-B Honor Roll

Newman, Jared Thomas 9             All A’s

Newman, Rebecca Grace              11           All A’s

Newton, Emily Rebecca 10           All A’s

Nguyen, Thao Thach       11           All A’s

Norcross, Laci Danielle   9             All A’s

Norris, Shania Dawn        9             A-B Honor Roll

Notman, Jocelyn              8             All A’s

Novak, Timothy Lee        12           A-B Honor Roll

Nowak, Hunter Pierce     11           All A’s

O’Brien, Isabella Pilar      11           A-B Honor Roll

O’Dell, Cameron Michael              10           A-B Honor Roll

Ofrias, Mary Burnette     12           A-B Honor Roll

O’Malley, Malcolm          9             A-B Honor Roll

Opie, Jamal Marquise      8             A-B Honor Roll

Orlando, Justin Nicholas 12           A-B Honor Roll

Ortiz-Ramos, Bryan Jamil              12           A-B Honor Roll

Ortiz-Ramos, Fabian Abdiel          8             A-B Honor Roll

Osborn, Erin Ann              9             A-B Honor Roll

Osika, David Michael       12           A-B Honor Roll

Ostrowski, Alexander Nicholas    12           A-B Honor Roll

Ott, Courtney Elise          12           A-B Honor Roll

Pace, Andrew James       9             A-B Honor Roll

Pace, Kristen Lee              8             A-B Honor Roll

Pagan, Jonathan               12           A-B Honor Roll

Page, Emily Claire            12           A-B Honor Roll

Palmer, Jordyn Grace      9             A-B Honor Roll

Parker, Brianna Monet   9             A-B Honor Roll

Parrish, Meadow Elizabeth           12           A-B Honor Roll

Patchett, Saige Madison               9             All A’s

Patterson, Nakyra Allay  9             A-B Honor Roll

Payne, Chase Matthew   11           All A’s

Payne, La’Ajah Oynea     9             All A’s

Pellicane, Alexander Paul              8             All A’s

Perry, Noah C.   10           A-B Honor Roll

Persinger, Jordan Lynn   12           A-B Honor Roll

Peters, Ryan Thomas      8             A-B Honor Roll

Pham, Anny        10           A-B Honor Roll

Pieno, Heather Ashlee    9             All A’s

Porter, Austin Jones        10           A-B Honor Roll

Porter, Briana Monet      12           A-B Honor Roll

Puentes, Isaac Salazar     8             A-B Honor Roll

Quinn, Savannah Marie  9             A-B Honor Roll

Rafaly, Matthew William               11           A-B Honor Roll

Rankin, Savannah Leigh  11           A-B Honor Roll

Reaves, Phaedra Junko   12           A-B Honor Roll

Reed, Keira Delaney        9             A-B Honor Roll

Reese, Hallie Elizabeth    10           A-B Honor Roll

Reimers, Jordan Nicole  10           A-B Honor Roll

Reynard, Lydia Elizabeth               11           A-B Honor Roll

Richards, Cory Daniel      10           A-B Honor Roll

Riddler, Andrew Paul      12           All A’s

Rigsby, Erin Michelle       8             A-B Honor Roll

Rios, Mitchel Blake          8             A-B Honor Roll

Rivera-DeJesus, Kyandra Lyz        10           A-B Honor Roll

Roberson, Miranda Lynn               12           A-B Honor Roll

Rosemann, Jared Christian           10           A-B Honor Roll

Ruffa, Katie Ritchie          12           A-B Honor Roll

Rush, Shatrice Rasheal   8             A-B Honor Roll

Russ, Caitlyn Elizabeth    9             All A’s

Sacra, Kayla Elizabeth     9             A-B Honor Roll

Sam, Thomas Bay            10           All A’s

Sandridge, Jordan Cole  10           A-B Honor Roll

Sapp, Joanna Marie         12           A-B Honor Roll

Scales, Roman Anton      8             All A’s

Scalzo, Alexander David 11           A-B Honor Roll

Scalzo, Mia Rose              12           A-B Honor Roll

Schurtz, Clio Robnett      8             All A’s

Schwartz, Jeremy Owen 11           A-B Honor Roll

Scott, Kyia Shawn             8             A-B Honor Roll

Seal, Tyler David               8             A-B Honor Roll

Searcy, Abigail E.              10           A-B Honor Roll

Searcy, Charles Bryan     11           A-B Honor Roll

Sebolt, Avery Jackson     12           All A’s

Sechler, Eleanor Jane      12           All A’s

Sechler, Kaitlin Madison 8             All A’s

Sheets, Andrew Michael               10           All A’s

Shelden, Nicholas W.C.  10           A-B Honor Roll

Shelley, Kyra Savanah     9             A-B Honor Roll

Shelton, Lauren Antelle  8             All A’s

Shephard, Kamden Nicholas        9             All A’s

Shepherd, Autumn Jade 12           A-B Honor Roll

Shepherd, Jules Alicia     8             All A’s

Sherman, Abby Mattea  10           All A’s

Sherman, Andrew James              12           A-B Honor Roll

Sherman, Rachel Elizabeth           10           A-B Honor Roll

Sherman, Tobias Eugene               8             A-B Honor Roll

Shields, Cameron Steven              8             A-B Honor Roll

Shifflett, Dale Aaron        12           A-B Honor Roll

Shifflett, Hailee Elise       8             All A’s

Shifflett, Victoria Paige   8             A-B Honor Roll

Shiflett, Dalton Ray         12           A-B Honor Roll

Shiflett, Madelyn Davis  10           A-B Honor Roll

Shiner, Michael H.           11           A-B Honor Roll

Shull, Kassandra Marie   9             A-B Honor Roll

Silverman, Gage Daniel  10           All A’s

Simms, Taijana Brielle     12           A-B Honor Roll

Skeen, Cameron Alexis   10           A-B Honor Roll

Smith, Dominique Opal  12           A-B Honor Roll

Smith, Makenna Jean     12           A-B Honor Roll

Smith, Nathanial Aiden   9             A-B Honor Roll

Snead, Matthew Lawson              9             All A’s

Spitler, Sarah P. 10           A-B Honor Roll

Sprouse, Emily E.             9             All A’s

Stafford, Madison Leigh 10           A-B Honor Roll

Stallard, Malena Angela 8             All A’s

Stanke, Jack Douglas       11           A-B Honor Roll

Staton, Joseph Darryl      11           A-B Honor Roll

Stephens, Cayla Kent      12           A-B Honor Roll

Stevens, Andrew Douglas             11           All A’s

Stoltz, Caleb James          8             A-B Honor Roll

Stoltz, Madison Jane       10           A-B Honor Roll

Stowell, Kathryn Grace   11           A-B Honor Roll

Strickland, Olivia Rose    9             All A’s

Stuart, David Richard      12           All A’s

Stukalkina, Diana Serhiyivna         10           All A’s

Stutz, Jilian S.     10           A-B Honor Roll

Stutz, Kate Emily              12           A-B Honor Roll

Sullivan, Justin Scott       8             A-B Honor Roll

Sullivan, Mikaela Sue      8             A-B Honor Roll

Swain, Breanna Marie    8             A-B Honor Roll

Symmers, Peyton Jordan              10           A-B Honor Roll

Tan, Hock Hin ‘Derrick    11           All A’s

Tapscott, Wyatt Allen     12           A-B Honor Roll

Taylor, Jacob Levi             10           All A’s

Thomas, Hannah Marie  11           A-B Honor Roll

Thomas, Kaia L  9             A-B Honor Roll

Thomas, Katlyn Elizabeth              9             All A’s

Thomas, Khalia La-Toya 11           A-B Honor Roll

Thompson, Sydney Elizabeth       10           A-B Honor Roll

Thornton, Nicholas Coleman       8             All A’s

Thornton, Yanesha Lanete           10           A-B Honor Roll

Tinsley, Dahris Arr’elle    9             A-B Honor Roll

Tinsley, Jayda Marie        10           A-B Honor Roll

Toler, Asia Lyn   8             A-B Honor Roll

Tomaras, Paige Marie     9             A-B Honor Roll

Tornel, William  10           A-B Honor Roll

Tovar, Jonathan 11           A-B Honor Roll

Trail, Rebecca Ruth          9             A-B Honor Roll

Trent-Michie, Trequan Marquez 8             A-B Honor Roll

Turley, Braden G.             11           A-B Honor Roll

Van Ornum, Corban        10           A-B Honor Roll

Van Tol, Nicholas Kenneth            9             A-B Honor Roll

Vernon, Joshua Sage       10           A-B Honor Roll

Vest, Makayla Lenae       10           A-B Honor Roll

Vest, Mykel Deshawn     10           A-B Honor Roll

Via, Kiera Brooke             11           A-B Honor Roll

Vincent, Gabriel Andrew Christian            12           A-B Honor Roll

Wade, Trevor Ryan          8             A-B Honor Roll

Wagley, Samantha Diane              12           A-B Honor Roll

Wagner, Brianna Hope   10           A-B Honor Roll

Waldrop, Brittney Rose  11           A-B Honor Roll

Walker, Christina Tighe  9             All A’s

Walton, Charlotte Grace               9             A-B Honor Roll

Ward, Kevin Patrick         8             A-B Honor Roll

Warden, Nicolas Allen    8             All A’s

Warner, Justin Ryan        8             A-B Honor Roll

Warren, Michael Hunter               9             A-B Honor Roll

Washington, Erika Tiasia Latrice 10           A-B Honor Roll

Washington, Nicholas Tyler          12           A-B Honor Roll

Waugh, Donovan Lee     10           A-B Honor Roll

Weil, Austin Richard        10           All A’s

Wells, Abigail Rose Fluvanna County High School announces honor roll


The following students were named to the honor roll:

Student Name   Grade Level        Level

Abbott, Cody Michael     11           A-B Honor Roll

Abernathy, Lindsay Patricia          9             A-B Honor Roll

Adkins, Jessica Lee          10           A-B Honor Roll

Albright, Meredith Gabrielle        11           A-B Honor Roll

Allbaugh, Carter M.         12           A-B Honor Roll

Al-Safi, Reem Hussein     8             A-B Honor Roll

Anderson, Duquan Romello         12           A-B Honor Roll

Anderson, Dylan James  10           A-B Honor Roll

Antesberger, Audrey Veronica    9             A-B Honor Roll

Antesberger, Emily Odellia           10           A-B Honor Roll

Armentrout, Jeremy T    8             A-B Honor Roll

Armstrong, Khadarius Malik         12           A-B Honor Roll

Arrington, Shalon Alisse Paige     8             A-B Honor Roll

Ashby, Porter Indy           10           A-B Honor Roll

Ashton, Taileek Nasir      9             A-B Honor Roll

Avant, Eric Andrew          10           A-B Honor Roll

Baird, Tyler Austin            9             A-B Honor Roll

Baker, Emily Alexandra   11           A-B Honor Roll

Baker, Kendall Nicole      12           A-B Honor Roll

Ball-Smialek, Ethan Elias               8             A-B Honor Roll

Baskfield, Ayanna Karin  8             All A’s

Beach, Tiffany Amber      12           All A’s

Begley, Shayna Dawn      12           A-B Honor Roll

Belew, Victoria Lauren Patience 11           A-B Honor Roll

Berry, Blake Franklin       9             A-B Honor Roll

Best, Scott B.W. 9             A-B Honor Roll

Best, Shjon L.J.  12           A-B Honor Roll

Bislimi, Adonis   8             A-B Honor Roll

Bislimi, Agnesa  10           A-B Honor Roll

Black, Loren Alyssa          8             All A’s

Blackburn, Amy Nichole 8             A-B Honor Roll

Bland, Johnna K 12           A-B Honor Roll

Blevins, Jacob Allen         12           A-B Honor Roll

Booker, Amaiya Charlize               9             A-B Honor Roll

Booker, Gabriel Leshawn              12           A-B Honor Roll

Boone, Megan Lindsay   9             All A’s

Bossong, Bridget Nicole 12           A-B Honor Roll

Botkin, Ellee Roxanne     8             All A’s

Bourne, Hayley Elizabeth              8             A-B Honor Roll

Bourne, Isaiah Winston  8             A-B Honor Roll

Bowman, Ashtin Paige    12           A-B Honor Roll

Boyle, Glenn       11           A-B Honor Roll

Boyle, Jason       9             A-B Honor Roll

Bradshaw, Camille Olivia              8             A-B Honor Roll

Breeden, Austin Edward               9             A-B Honor Roll

Breeden, Hannah Grace 9             A-B Honor Roll

Bridge, Connor Wyant    8             A-B Honor Roll

Bridge, William Patrick   9             A-B Honor Roll

Bridges, Samantha Beatriz            9             A-B Honor Roll

Bright, Derrick Trevaughn             12           A-B Honor Roll

Brooks, Mathew Charles               11           A-B Honor Roll

Brophy, Logan Kathleen 8             All A’s

Bryant, Julianne Nichole               11           All A’s

Bryant, Savanna Leigh    9             All A’s

Bunch, Rose Leigh           8             A-B Honor Roll

Burton, Mariah Desiree  10           A-B Honor Roll

Butler, Ryan Cole             11           All A’s

Byram, James Morgan    12           A-B Honor Roll

Cabrera, Kristen Morgan               10           A-B Honor Roll

Campanelli, Keegan Maguire       12           All A’s

Campbell, Alexus Trinity Ann       9             A-B Honor Roll

Campbell, Harper Kate   12           All A’s

Campbell, Kayla Marie    9             A-B Honor Roll

Campbell, Trenton McKinley        10           A-B Honor Roll

Carbee, Joshua Scott      12           A-B Honor Roll

Carel, Madison Nichole  10           A-B Honor Roll

Carlton, Gabriel Michael               8             A-B Honor Roll

Carney, Caleb Evan          9             All A’s

Carney, Nathan Patrick   11           A-B Honor Roll

Carr, Susannah Caroline 11           A-B Honor Roll

Carver, Garrett Michael  8             A-B Honor Roll

Carver, Matthew Hunter               8             A-B Honor Roll

Castillo-Zuniga, Mauricio Siracides            8             A-B Honor Roll

Chervenak, Nicholas Andrew       10           A-B Honor Roll

Cheung, Brandon Heng-Fung       12           All A’s

Childs, Vanessa Leilah     10           A-B Honor Roll

Chisholm, Benjamin David            8             A-B Honor Roll

Chisholm, Kaylee Evelyn 8             All A’s

Chittenden, Mary Ann Maxene   8             A-B Honor Roll

Chow, Eugene Ishnoolujuletsku   9             A-B Honor Roll

Christian, Raleigh Ellen   12           All A’s

Clarke, Casey Taylor        10           All A’s

Cobb, Shaun Thomas      10           A-B Honor Roll

Coleman, Taylor Brooke 12           A-B Honor Roll

Colver, Melissa Elizabeth              12           A-B Honor Roll

Condoulis, Christopher Steven    10           A-B Honor Roll

Conner, Sadie Lynn          9             All A’s

Cook, Holly Ann 11           A-B Honor Roll

Coppa, Michael James    12           A-B Honor Roll

Coppa, Noah David          10           A-B Honor Roll

Coppola, Liana Rose        11           All A’s

Cordes, Andrew Joseph  8             A-B Honor Roll

Corredera-Wells, Kayla Lynn        12           A-B Honor Roll

Cortez, Jennifer 9             A-B Honor Roll

Craft, Amelia Ray             8             A-B Honor Roll

Crawford, Madison Grace             8             A-B Honor Roll

Critzer, Christopher Jacob            9             A-B Honor Roll

Crothers, Rebecca Lynn  11           A-B Honor Roll

Crouch, Walter Quint Eugene      12           A-B Honor Roll

Cruz, Anthony James      10           A-B Honor Roll

Custer, William Alden     8             A-B Honor Roll

Dahl, Garrison Gage        11           A-B Honor Roll

Daniels, Asia Yvette         12           All A’s

Davis, Addison Myles      8             A-B Honor Roll

Davis, Emory Nathaniel  8             All A’s

Davis, Jacquelynn McKenzie         12           A-B Honor Roll

Davis, Lydia Esme             10           A-B Honor Roll

Day, Payton Elizabeth     10           All A’s

Dean, Christopher Andrew           12           A-B Honor Roll

Dech, Jason Michael        8             All A’s

Delaurier, Jake Anthony 12           A-B Honor Roll

DeMers, Alexus 12           All A’s

DeMers, Bryce Law         10           All A’s

Desgrosiellier, Emily Rae              11           A-B Honor Roll

DeVarennes, Reanna Marie         10           A-B Honor Roll

DiFazio, Michael Loring  11           A-B Honor Roll

Dillon, Haley Victoria      12           A-B Honor Roll

Dillon, Kathleen Elizabeth             9             A-B Honor Roll

Dillon, Wyatt Vinson       8             A-B Honor Roll

Dobrin, Lillian Grace        9             A-B Honor Roll

Dobson, Britney Kay        11           A-B Honor Roll

Donald, Hailey Marie      9             A-B Honor Roll

Dresler, Anna A 9             All A’s

Dressler, Kelsey Luanne 8             A-B Honor Roll

Dudley, Montana Danielle            9             All A’s

Duenas, Brooklyn Rose  12           All A’s

Duenas, Jadelyn Cori       12           All A’s

Duffau, Marian Hope      11           A-B Honor Roll

Dugan, Mackenzie Lynn 11           All A’s

Dunn, Madeline Elizabeth             11           A-B Honor Roll

Durant, Mikela Michele  12           A-B Honor Roll

Easter, James Cloetingh 10           All A’s

Easter, John Edmund       10           All A’s

Eddings, Dante’ Javon     9             A-B Honor Roll

Edgerton, Sarah Ann       12           A-B Honor Roll

Elliott, Joshua Adam        9             A-B Honor Roll

England, Cierra Lynn       11           A-B Honor Roll

Estes, Annaliese                11           All A’s

Estes, Leah Wentworth  9             All A’s

Etchison, Seth Adam       8             A-B Honor Roll

Fain, Mackenzie Eleanor               8             All A’s

Farmer, Annelizabeth Nicole       9             A-B Honor Roll

Farruggio, Andrew Joseph            9             A-B Honor Roll

Farruggio, Hannah Beare              11           A-B Honor Roll

Feathers, Diana Lynn      9             A-B Honor Roll

Feathers, Erin Lee            9             All A’s

Federico, Sasha L.            8             All A’s

Fierro-Ramirez, Denise   9             A-B Honor Roll

Finley, Keera Izabel         8             All A’s

Fisher, Brianna A.S.         9             A-B Honor Roll

Fleming, Samuel Preston              12           All A’s

Ford, Rodney James        10           A-B Honor Roll

Franco, Melvin Adrian     10           All A’s

Frederick, Camryn Nicole             10           A-B Honor Roll

Fulton, Frances Noelle    10           A-B Honor Roll

Gamage, Adora C             9             All A’s

Gant, Dionna Marie         10           A-B Honor Roll

Garrett, Madison E.         11           All A’s

Garrison, Cassidy Brooke              9             A-B Honor Roll

Garrison, Kaleka Diann   9             A-B Honor Roll

Gibson, Jonathan Tyler   12           A-B Honor Roll

Goode, Miranda Lynn     12           A-B Honor Roll

Goodson, Emily Joann    9             A-B Honor Roll

Goodson, Jenna Elizabeth             8             A-B Honor Roll

Goodwin, Gabrielle Kathryn         9             A-B Honor Roll

Gordon, Katlin    9             A-B Honor Roll

Graham, Conrad Quinlan              10           A-B Honor Roll

Graves, Bryce M.              10           A-B Honor Roll

Graves, Zachary Alan      9             A-B Honor Roll

Gray, Nasair Aaron          12           A-B Honor Roll

Graziano, Marisa Paige   9             A-B Honor Roll

Green, Sequoia Eunique 8             A-B Honor Roll

Grimsley, Colin D.            12           All A’s

Grimsley, Madison P.      10           A-B Honor Roll

Grubbs, Madelyn Elizabeth          8             A-B Honor Roll

Guess, Andrew James     12           A-B Honor Roll

Guida, Madelyn Kayla     11           A-B Honor Roll

Hagan, Samuel Allen       10           All A’s

Hagood, Marideth Elizabeth        9             A-B Honor Roll

Hahn-Fulk, Jacob Tyler    12           A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Avery Blair           12           All A’s

Haislip, Brett Cole            12           All A’s

Haislip, Lillie Caroline      9             A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Madison Elise     8             A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Taylor Marie       11           A-B Honor Roll

Haislip, Tyler Victoria      11           A-B Honor Roll

Haley, Kayla Nicole          11           A-B Honor Roll

Halpin, Samuel James     8             A-B Honor Roll

Halstead, Kendall Elaine 8             A-B Honor Roll

Hamill, Justin Patrick       9             A-B Honor Roll

Hamill, Matthew David   12           All A’s

Hammond, Fergus           10           All A’s

Hammond, Michaela Jean            11           A-B Honor Roll

Hammond, Michelle L.   10           All A’s

Hamner, Addison Hope  8             A-B Honor Roll

Hamshar, Alexis Diane    9             A-B Honor Roll

Hamshar, William Nathaniel        8             A-B Honor Roll

Haney, Amber Saige        10           A-B Honor Roll

Hankins, Jasmine Renee 11           A-B Honor Roll

Hanson, Noah Delton      12           A-B Honor Roll

Harlowe, Anthony Wade               11           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Alexis Taylor        9             A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Amanda Lee         11           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Anna Noelle         8             A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Onae Ann              11           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Prophett Maneal               9             All A’s

Harris, Zachary Scott       12           A-B Honor Roll

Harris, Zaria Charda         11           All A’s

Hartzog, Zachary Alexander         11           A-B Honor Roll

Hawkins, Shantika Nicole             9             All A’s

Haynes, Trinity Jordan    9             A-B Honor Roll

Hearns, Ma’Shayla Nicole             8             A-B Honor Roll

Heide, Olivia Rae             9             A-B Honor Roll

Heister, Alexander Morris             12           All A’s

Hellms, Autumn Rose     11           A-B Honor Roll

Henderson, Georgia Celeste        10           All A’s

Henley III, Thomas Walker            12           A-B Honor Roll

Herndon, Gwyneth Lorna             12           All A’s

Herring, McKenzie Renee             9             A-B Honor Roll

Hill, Malachi Christopher               8             All A’s

Hill, Olivia Marie               9             A-B Honor Roll

Hoffman, Niva Elizabeth 10           A-B Honor Roll

Holsapple, Brianna Paige              8             A-B Honor Roll

Holtz Jr, Bradley Paul      8             All A’s

Holtz, Kelsey Joan            11           A-B Honor Roll

Holyfield, Shaun William               10           A-B Honor Roll

Houseknecht, Amber Louise Faith             8             All A’s

Howard III, LeRon Trey   8             A-B Honor Roll

Hughes, Amy Naomi       8             All A’s

Hughes, Carlene Erica     12           A-B Honor Roll

Hughes, Haley Anne        12           All A’s

Hughes, Madison Joelle 9             A-B Honor Roll

Hughes, Natalie Michelle              11           A-B Honor Roll

Humphrey, Newlin Ann  10           A-B Honor Roll

Hunsaker, Alisha Lauren 8             All A’s

Ivory, Nevaeh Heaven     8             A-B Honor Roll

Jackson, Justin M.            9             A-B Honor Roll

Jackson, Naomi Martina 10           All A’s

Jarrell, Tucker Wade       8             A-B Honor Roll

Johnson, Kalena Dawn    11           A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Hannah Nicole     12           A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Leah Breann          8             A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Rhett Dugan         9             A-B Honor Roll

Jones, Xavier Marquise   12           A-B Honor Roll

Jonkman, Shenandoah Lynn        8             All A’s

Jordan, Haley Michelle   12           All A’s

Justus, Mason Alan          9             A-B Honor Roll

Keaton, Abbigail Estelle  8             A-B Honor Roll

Keaton, Kaitlyn Ann         9             A-B Honor Roll

Kelley, Shaina Alexis        12           A-B Honor Roll

Kennedy, Haley Marie    10           All A’s

Kennedy, Morgan Elizabeth         12           A-B Honor Roll

Kent, Claire Elizabeth      8             All A’s

Kent, Nicole Mackenzie  11           All A’s

Kershner, John Nicholas 9             All A’s

Kershner, Sophia Marie  11           All A’s

Key, Andre-A’Bryanna Winter-Grace         12           A-B Honor Roll

Kidd, Hailee Jordan          10           A-B Honor Roll

Kingsley, Cassandra Lynn              11           A-B Honor Roll

Kirby, Donald William     11           All A’s

Kirby, Jessica Anne           11           A-B Honor Roll

Kirby, Lauren Fitzgerald  10           All A’s

Kissai, Zadiyah A.             12           All A’s

Koch, Tristen Marie         11           A-B Honor Roll

Koczan, Brittney Marie   12           A-B Honor Roll

Koczan, Leukas Danny     8             A-B Honor Roll

Koczan, Victoria Paige    9             A-B Honor Roll

Kolczynski, Matthew C   9             A-B Honor Roll

Koslowski, Caden Dennis               10           All A’s

Krett, Brendan James     11           A-B Honor Roll

Kritzer, Caleb Forrest      8             A-B Honor Roll

Lafferty, Michelle Nicole               11           A-B Honor Roll

Lang, Matthew Tyler       11           A-B Honor Roll

Lawson, Trenton Wade  11           A-B Honor Roll

Ledford, Hannah Riley    9             A-B Honor Roll

Lee, Destiny Tonia           8             A-B Honor Roll

Lee, Harrison Yeung-I     11           A-B Honor Roll

Lee, Kailah Destiny           10           A-B Honor Roll

Leichtentritt, Sophia Milli             10           A-B Honor Roll

Leitzel, Owen James        11           A-B Honor Roll

Lewis, Aaliyah Alise         8             A-B Honor Roll

Leyshon, Bayley Rebecca              9             All A’s

Liles, Emily Rebecca        11           A-B Honor Roll

Lindo, Jakob Charles        9             All A’s

Lintecum, Abigail June    12           All A’s

Lintecum, Hattie Diane   8             A-B Honor Roll

Long, Christian Issac       11           A-B Honor Roll

Lucas, Brandon Michael 8             A-B Honor Roll

Ludwig, Megan Kathleen               11           A-B Honor Roll

Luevano, Marcus Anthony            12           A-B Honor Roll

Luevano, Victoria Lauraine           10           A-B Honor Roll

Lyons III, Charles Edward              8             All A’s

Madison, Kathryn Marie               10           A-B Honor Roll

Mance, Peter Eric Jr        10           All A’s

Many, Rachel Erin            10           A-B Honor Roll

Marlowe, Samantha Louise          8             All A’s

Marshall, Cameron Alexis             8             A-B Honor Roll

Marshall, Samantha Ashleigh       9             All A’s

Martin, Cory Burruss       9             All A’s

Martin, Essence Lov’e     9             A-B Honor Roll

Martin, Iyanna Alania     8             A-B Honor Roll

Martin, Kaylee A.             9             A-B Honor Roll

Martin, Shannon F.          10           A-B Honor Roll

Masinovic, Elvis 8             A-B Honor Roll

Maupin, Morgan Elizabeth           10           A-B Honor Roll

Maynard, Alexa Marlaine              11           A-B Honor Roll

Mayo-Pitts, Mikel             12           A-B Honor Roll

McBride, Alexis Mary      11           A-B Honor Roll

McBride, Brianna Marjorie           9             A-B Honor Roll

McBride, Matthew Gregory         11           A-B Honor Roll

McCann, Rebecca Jane   9             A-B Honor Roll

McCormick, Tess Halen  9             All A’s

McDaniel, Allen Emmett               12           All A’s

McDaniel, Jonathan Lee 9             A-B Honor Roll

McDonald, Victoria Lane               11           A-B Honor Roll

McFarlane, Lindsay Ann 12           A-B Honor Roll

McGehee, Eva Jane         11           All A’s

McGlothlin, Finnegan William     9             A-B Honor Roll

McGrath, Abigale Rose   8             A-B Honor Roll

Megahan, Ian Michael    8             A-B Honor Roll

Milburn, Logan Edmund 8             A-B Honor Roll

Milburn, Morgan Frederick           11           All A’s

Milligan, James Avery     10           A-B Honor Roll

Milligan, Renee 11           All A’s

Milliman, Syerra Lauren 9             All A’s

Mirsky, Kayla      11           All A’s

Mirsky, Rebecca Gene    12           A-B Honor Roll

Moe, Trevor Lee               11           A-B Honor Roll

Monahan, Brianne Marie              12           All A’s

Monahan, Steven M       9             A-B Honor Roll

Moncure, Mary Katherine             10           A-B Honor Roll

Moneymaker, Allison Paige         10           A-B Honor Roll

Monger, Karson Dean     10           A-B Honor Roll

Mooney, Benjamin Dale 10           A-B Honor Roll

Mooney, Matthew Christopher   10           A-B Honor Roll

Moore, Alyson May         12           All A’s

Moore, Laura Elizabeth  10           A-B Honor Roll

Moore, Mark Justin         9             A-B Honor Roll

Moore, Mckenzie Michelle           8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Chloe Elizabeth  8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Hali Michele        8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Kara Lindsay        12           A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Katrina Nichole  9             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Mackenzie Blake              8             A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Shane     10           A-B Honor Roll

Morris, Wendy C.            9             A-B Honor Roll

Movchanyuk, Kateryna Oleksandrivna      11           All A’s

Muddiman, Tyler James 8             A-B Honor Roll

Muller, Rachel Anne        10           A-B Honor Roll

Mundy, Dakota Vaughn  9             A-B Honor Roll

Myers-Floyd, Regan Elizabeth      10           A-B Honor Roll

Myrie, Aleesha Michelle 11           A-B Honor Roll

Napier, Lydiah Renee      9             All A’s

Nardone, Stephanie Marie           11           A-B Honor Roll

Naselska, Diana 9             All A’s

Nazar, Brooke Elizabeth 8             A-B Honor Roll

Nazar, Madison Ann        9             A-B Honor Roll

Nazari-Valashesjerdi, Paul Behrang           9             A-B Honor Roll

Ness, Ayiana Olivia          8             A-B Honor Roll

Newman, Graham F.       9             A-B Honor Roll

Newman, Jared Thomas 9             All A’s

Newman, Rebecca Grace              11           All A’s

Newton, Emily Rebecca 10           All A’s

Nguyen, Thao Thach       11           All A’s

Norcross, Laci Danielle   9             All A’s

Norris, Shania Dawn        9             A-B Honor Roll

Notman, Jocelyn              8             All A’s

Novak, Timothy Lee        12           A-B Honor Roll

Nowak, Hunter Pierce     11           All A’s

O’Brien, Isabella Pilar      11           A-B Honor Roll

O’Dell, Cameron Michael              10           A-B Honor Roll

Ofrias, Mary Burnette     12           A-B Honor Roll

O’Malley, Malcolm          9             A-B Honor Roll

Opie, Jamal Marquise      8             A-B Honor Roll

Orlando, Justin Nicholas 12           A-B Honor Roll

Ortiz-Ramos, Bryan Jamil              12           A-B Honor Roll

Ortiz-Ramos, Fabian Abdiel          8             A-B Honor Roll

Osborn, Erin Ann              9             A-B Honor Roll

Osika, David Michael       12           A-B Honor Roll

Ostrowski, Alexander Nicholas    12           A-B Honor Roll

Ott, Courtney Elise          12           A-B Honor Roll

Pace, Andrew James       9             A-B Honor Roll

Pace, Kristen Lee              8             A-B Honor Roll

Pagan, Jonathan               12           A-B Honor Roll

Page, Emily Claire            12           A-B Honor Roll

Palmer, Jordyn Grace      9             A-B Honor Roll

Parker, Brianna Monet   9             A-B Honor Roll

Parrish, Meadow Elizabeth           12           A-B Honor Roll

Patchett, Saige Madison               9             All A’s

Patterson, Nakyra Allay  9             A-B Honor Roll

Payne, Chase Matthew   11           All A’s

Payne, La’Ajah Oynea     9             All A’s

Pellicane, Alexander Paul              8             All A’s

Perry, Noah C.   10           A-B Honor Roll

Persinger, Jordan Lynn   12           A-B Honor Roll

Peters, Ryan Thomas      8             A-B Honor Roll

Pham, Anny        10           A-B Honor Roll

Pieno, Heather Ashlee    9             All A’s

Porter, Austin Jones        10           A-B Honor Roll

Porter, Briana Monet      12           A-B Honor Roll

Puentes, Isaac Salazar     8             A-B Honor Roll

Quinn, Savannah Marie  9             A-B Honor Roll

Rafaly, Matthew William               11           A-B Honor Roll

Rankin, Savannah Leigh  11           A-B Honor Roll

Reaves, Phaedra Junko   12           A-B Honor Roll

Reed, Keira Delaney        9             A-B Honor Roll

Reese, Hallie Elizabeth    10           A-B Honor Roll

Reimers, Jordan Nicole  10           A-B Honor Roll

Reynard, Lydia Elizabeth               11           A-B Honor Roll

Richards, Cory Daniel      10           A-B Honor Roll

Riddler, Andrew Paul      12           All A’s

Rigsby, Erin Michelle       8             A-B Honor Roll

Rios, Mitchel Blake          8             A-B Honor Roll

Rivera-DeJesus, Kyandra Lyz        10           A-B Honor Roll

Roberson, Miranda Lynn               12           A-B Honor Roll

Rosemann, Jared Christian           10           A-B Honor Roll

Ruffa, Katie Ritchie          12           A-B Honor Roll

Rush, Shatrice Rasheal   8             A-B Honor Roll

Russ, Caitlyn Elizabeth    9             All A’s

Sacra, Kayla Elizabeth     9             A-B Honor Roll

Sam, Thomas Bay            10           All A’s

Sandridge, Jordan Cole  10           A-B Honor Roll

Sapp, Joanna Marie         12           A-B Honor Roll

Scales, Roman Anton      8             All A’s

Scalzo, Alexander David 11           A-B Honor Roll

Scalzo, Mia Rose              12           A-B Honor Roll

Schurtz, Clio Robnett      8             All A’s

Schwartz, Jeremy Owen 11           A-B Honor Roll

Scott, Kyia Shawn             8             A-B Honor Roll

Seal, Tyler David               8             A-B Honor Roll

Searcy, Abigail E.              10           A-B Honor Roll

Searcy, Charles Bryan     11           A-B Honor Roll

Sebolt, Avery Jackson     12           All A’s

Sechler, Eleanor Jane      12           All A’s

Sechler, Kaitlin Madison 8             All A’s

Sheets, Andrew Michael               10           All A’s

Shelden, Nicholas W.C.  10           A-B Honor Roll

Shelley, Kyra Savanah     9             A-B Honor Roll

Shelton, Lauren Antelle  8             All A’s

Shephard, Kamden Nicholas        9             All A’s

Shepherd, Autumn Jade 12           A-B Honor Roll

Shepherd, Jules Alicia     8             All A’s

Sherman, Abby Mattea  10           All A’s

Sherman, Andrew James              12           A-B Honor Roll

Sherman, Rachel Elizabeth           10           A-B Honor Roll

Sherman, Tobias Eugene               8             A-B Honor Roll

Shields, Cameron Steven              8             A-B Honor Roll

Shifflett, Dale Aaron        12           A-B Honor Roll

Shifflett, Hailee Elise       8             All A’s

Shifflett, Victoria Paige   8             A-B Honor Roll

Shiflett, Dalton Ray         12           A-B Honor Roll

Shiflett, Madelyn Davis  10           A-B Honor Roll

Shiner, Michael H.           11           A-B Honor Roll

Shull, Kassandra Marie   9             A-B Honor Roll

Silverman, Gage Daniel  10           All A’s

Simms, Taijana Brielle     12           A-B Honor Roll

Skeen, Cameron Alexis   10           A-B Honor Roll

Smith, Dominique Opal  12           A-B Honor Roll

Smith, Makenna Jean     12           A-B Honor Roll

Smith, Nathanial Aiden   9             A-B Honor Roll

Snead, Matthew Lawson              9             All A’s

Spitler, Sarah P. 10           A-B Honor Roll

Sprouse, Emily E.             9             All A’s

Stafford, Madison Leigh 10           A-B Honor Roll

Stallard, Malena Angela 8             All A’s

Stanke, Jack Douglas       11           A-B Honor Roll

Staton, Joseph Darryl      11           A-B Honor Roll

Stephens, Cayla Kent      12           A-B Honor Roll

Stevens, Andrew Douglas             11           All A’s

Stoltz, Caleb James          8             A-B Honor Roll

Stoltz, Madison Jane       10           A-B Honor Roll

Stowell, Kathryn Grace   11           A-B Honor Roll

Strickland, Olivia Rose    9             All A’s

Stuart, David Richard      12           All A’s

Stukalkina, Diana Serhiyivna         10           All A’s

Stutz, Jilian S.     10           A-B Honor Roll

Stutz, Kate Emily              12           A-B Honor Roll

Sullivan, Justin Scott       8             A-B Honor Roll

Sullivan, Mikaela Sue      8             A-B Honor Roll

Swain, Breanna Marie    8             A-B Honor Roll

Symmers, Peyton Jordan              10           A-B Honor Roll

Tan, Hock Hin ‘Derrick    11           All A’s

Tapscott, Wyatt Allen     12           A-B Honor Roll

Taylor, Jacob Levi             10           All A’s

Thomas, Hannah Marie  11           A-B Honor Roll

Thomas, Kaia L  9             A-B Honor Roll

Thomas, Katlyn Elizabeth              9             All A’s

Thomas, Khalia La-Toya 11           A-B Honor Roll

Thompson, Sydney Elizabeth       10           A-B Honor Roll

Thornton, Nicholas Coleman       8             All A’s

Thornton, Yanesha Lanete           10           A-B Honor Roll

Tinsley, Dahris Arr’elle    9             A-B Honor Roll

Tinsley, Jayda Marie        10           A-B Honor Roll

Toler, Asia Lyn   8             A-B Honor Roll

Tomaras, Paige Marie     9             A-B Honor Roll

Tornel, William  10           A-B Honor Roll

Tovar, Jonathan 11           A-B Honor Roll

Trail, Rebecca Ruth          9             A-B Honor Roll

Trent-Michie, Trequan Marquez 8             A-B Honor Roll

Turley, Braden G.             11           A-B Honor Roll

Van Ornum, Corban        10           A-B Honor Roll

Van Tol, Nicholas Kenneth            9             A-B Honor Roll

Vernon, Joshua Sage       10           A-B Honor Roll

Vest, Makayla Lenae       10           A-B Honor Roll

Vest, Mykel Deshawn     10           A-B Honor Roll

Via, Kiera Brooke             11           A-B Honor Roll

Vincent, Gabriel Andrew Christian            12           A-B Honor Roll

Wade, Trevor Ryan          8             A-B Honor Roll

Wagley, Samantha Diane              12           A-B Honor Roll

Wagner, Brianna Hope   10           A-B Honor Roll

Waldrop, Brittney Rose  11           A-B Honor Roll

Walker, Christina Tighe  9             All A’s

Walton, Charlotte Grace               9             A-B Honor Roll

Ward, Kevin Patrick         8             A-B Honor Roll

Warden, Nicolas Allen    8             All A’s

Warner, Justin Ryan        8             A-B Honor Roll

Warren, Michael Hunter               9             A-B Honor Roll

Washington, Erika Tiasia Latrice 10           A-B Honor Roll

Washington, Nicholas Tyler          12           A-B Honor Roll

Waugh, Donovan Lee     10           A-B Honor Roll

Weil, Austin Richard        10           All A’s

Wells, Abigail Rose          11           A-B Honor Roll

Wells, Antwyon O            8             All A’s

Wells, Sarah Sophia         10           All A’s

Wentz, Mallory Annette 10           A-B Honor Roll

Wentz, Margarette Jane               8             All A’s

Wentz, Tye Levere           11           A-B Honor Roll

Wescoat, John Towler    9             A-B Honor Roll

White, Victoria Lynn        11           A-B Honor Roll

Wiersma, Hunter P          9             All A’s

Williams, Alexander N.   8             All A’s

Williams, Kaine Matthew              12           A-B Honor Roll

Wilson, Amina Laverne   8             A-B Honor Roll

Wilson, Sarah Nicole       12           A-B Honor Roll

Wood, Jacob Andrew David         10           A-B Honor Roll

Wood, Jacob Tyler           12           A-B Honor Roll

Woodson, Michelle Grace            12           A-B Honor Roll

Wright, Mya Michelle     8             A-B Honor Roll

Wright, Shontell Monique            11           A-B Honor Roll


Zuspan, Austin Nathaniel              12           All A’s         11           A-B Honor Roll

Wells, Antwyon O            8             All A’s

Wells, Sarah Sophia         10           All A’s

Wentz, Mallory Annette 10           A-B Honor Roll

Wentz, Margarette Jane               8             All A’s

Wentz, Tye Levere           11           A-B Honor Roll

Wescoat, John Towler    9             A-B Honor Roll

White, Victoria Lynn        11           A-B Honor Roll

Wiersma, Hunter P          9             All A’s

Williams, Alexander N.   8             All A’s

Williams, Kaine Matthew              12           A-B Honor Roll

Wilson, Amina Laverne   8             A-B Honor Roll

Wilson, Sarah Nicole       12           A-B Honor Roll

Wood, Jacob Andrew David         10           A-B Honor Roll

Wood, Jacob Tyler           12           A-B Honor Roll

Woodson, Michelle Grace            12           A-B Honor Roll

Wright, Mya Michelle     8             A-B Honor Roll

Wright, Shontell Monique            11           A-B Honor Roll


Zuspan, Austin Nathaniel              12           All A’s

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