Join Gray Foxes

For those of you unfamiliar with our organization there are two groups, an 18 hole group which plays on Thursday mornings and a nine hole group which plays on Friday mornings. The president is Dan Foley, vice-president is Bob Strohmeyer, treasurer Ray Gott, 18 hole coordinator Dan Atkinson and nine hole coordinator Bert Marks.
The registration fee for the 2015 season will be $50 for either the nine or 18 hole league or $60 to play in both. The fee covers a Gray Fox- Spouse picnic usually held in September and the end-of-year banquet and awards night which is held in November at the Ashlawn Grille, where a good time is had by all. As a Gray Fox member you are also required to maintain a United States Golf Association official handicap which can be obtained in the golf pro shop for $28.
If you are presently a member of the Foxes you will be receiving a registration form in the mail from Ray Gott. If you are not a member and I have enticed you to join there are entry forms in the pro shop or you can call Ray Gott at 434-589-4264 or email him at
We only go around once in this life and golf is a passion for all of us, so let’s have a senior men’s golf club here at Lake Monticello with a robust membership so that as many as possible can participate and enjoy in the fun, competitiveness, and camaraderie of the Gray Foxes.

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