Letters to the Editor

Staiger has integrity
I want to enumerate the many ways Dr. Linda Staiger is the better choice to represent the Columbia District on the Fluvanna School Board. I have known her well ever since she first entered Fluvanna County High School, where she ranked in the top 10 of the class of 1966.

Staiger is a retired orthopedic surgeon who served at the University of Virginia (U.Va.) Medical Center, at Farmville’s Community Hospital, and taught at the University of California, San Francisco, as well as U.Va. She has experience working with colleagues to set policy within large and small institutions, and with patients and families of every description.
As a businesswoman, Staiger ran her private medical practice and, in her retirement, markets her paintings and pottery.

A prolific artist, Staiger understands the importance of art and music in introducing young people to the humbling mysteries of life, the rewards of engagement and the possibilities that a creative approach can bring to light.
Staiger is bilingual in Spanish and volunteered teaching English as a second language here in Fluvanna. As a medical doctor and athlete, Staiger is passionate about physical fitness, mental health, social adjustment and special needs.

Staiger has been meeting with citizens of the Columbia District to hear their concerns. She is eager to advocate for parents whose involvement is curtailed by long workdays and shift work.
Staiger’s mission is to expand Fluvanna’s technical curriculum, thus broadening career opportunities for our students, especially those not bound for college.

Staiger is neither a practiced nor an aspiring politician, but dedicated to giving back to her community. She is giving all of her energy to winning this chance to safeguard the best that we all want for the children of Fluvanna. Staiger is a person of integrity; she is loyal, caring, reliable, informed, conscientious, businesslike, and obviously, hardworking.

Thousands of people have trusted Linda Staiger, M.D., with their lives and limbs on the operating table. I don’t think we can do better than to trust her with our children. Write in “Linda Staiger” on Nov. 7.

Doris Edmund McGehee

Staiger has done her homework
From the time Dr. Linda Staiger decided to run, she has been studying how to be the best representative from the Columbia District on the School Board. She has met with parents, teachers, students and administrators. She has been attending School Board meetings. Linda has met with numerous county officials who play a role in the operation of Fluvanna County schools. She has researched businesses, organizations, and agencies that collaborate with our local schools or have the potential to do so.

It is crucial to have a School Board member who does their homework. Therefore, it is important to write in Linda Staiger for Columbia District School Board member.

Stephanie Gentry-Reynolds
Former public school teacher
Palmyra  District

Changing diapers and politicians

My husband’s old truck had a bumper sticker which read: “Politicians and diapers need to be changed often, and for the same reason!”

Ain’t that the truth. That’s why I’m for term limits – an issue with strong bipartisan support. Why continue to vote in the same career politicians while complaining about the issues they fail to address? But honestly, it’s only partly our fault that the “diaper is full.” Through the slight-of-hand called gerrymandering, our career politicians are actually choosing their voters instead of the voters choosing them. The two state delegates representing Fluvanna have been in office, collectively, for 37 years. No one has even bothered to run against Bell since 2009. Quite frankly, I don’t care which party is disenfranchising me – it’s wrong!

This year there are two new candidates – people who haven’t spent decades as professional politicians but instead who have chosen professions of service. In the 58th District (Palmyra, Cunningham and Rivanna Districts), Kellen Squire is running. Kellen is an emergency room nurse and is on the front lines of healthcare. In the 65th District (Columbia and Fork Union Districts), Francis Stevens, a police officer, is running. Francis understands the importance of fully funding our first responders. Come on people, it’s time to change the diaper in Richmond!

Sallie Ross

You don’t get something for nothing
Bottom line, you don’t get something for nothing, at least not when it comes to the operation of county government. I mean, there’s a difference between being cheap and being frugal: cheap is just about spending less; frugal is about prioritizing spending to get more of the things you really care about. A good supervisor knows the difference.

In the last four years, even Supervisors Don Weaver and Trish Eager have voted on the tax increases necessary to meet Fluvanna’s obligations, such as investments in the 911 system, water pipeline, and the most modest pay increases for teachers and deputies. Fluvanna has the lowest spending on government services of the surrounding localities.

As a mom, I am frugal, but not cheap. My girls may not wear designer clothes, but they get regular medical care. I do this because I know my priorities, and I’m smart enough to know that when you skimp on the things that matter, you eventually pay the price. Tony O’Brien has been a good steward of taxpayer dollars. I trust him to continue to show up and do the hard work of respecting my tax dollars while protecting our county from penny-wise but pound-foolish decisions.

Sallie Ross

Elect Shirley Stewart to School Board
As a Rivanna District resident, a mom of two children enrolled in Fluvanna public schools and a voter, I am enthusiastically supporting Shirley Stewart for Fluvanna County School Board.

Shirley Stewart has impeccable credentials, integrity, vigor, vision and a willingness and ability to work collaboratively with others as evidenced by her distinguished 32-year career in service to public schools as a teacher and principal.

Shirley Stewart will be a champion for our children and our public schools and she will be sensitive to staff, parents and taxpayers.

Mrs. Stewart has demonstrated through her graceful public service as a former volunteer at West Central Primary School and as a committee member for the Fluvanna Leadership Development Program that she is committed to our community and to strengthening our local public schools.

I have had the great fortune to watch Mrs. Stewart’s tireless work ethic and her dedication to our community up close because I have assisted her with social media in order that she may economize her time on the campaign trail.

Mrs. Stewart has been attending School Board meetings since May and working hard to gather input from parents, staff, School Board members, community leaders, business leaders, and other citizens about their concerns, suggestions and experiences regarding our local school system. If elected, she has stated that she will continue to welcome and solicit input from all of our community.

It is without question that Shirley Stewart will be an absolute asset to the Fluvanna County School Board and I strongly urge my fellow Rivanna District neighbors to vote to elect Shirley Stewart to the Fluvanna County School Board on Nov. 7!

Andrea G. Overweg
Lake Monticello

Experience and vision matter
I have lived in Fluvanna County since 2001, and have watched a succession of people move through the Board of Supervisors. Over this period, we have struggled to make progress toward implementing our comprehensive plan.

Yet in the past four years this Board has seen major progress towards achieving our goals. Why is that? It could be that we recovered from the financial meltdown or that our changing demographics caused us to make progress.

I agree with both of those things and add another. Having Tony O’Brien on the Board of Supervisors was a major catalyst in our progress.

I have worked closely with Tony on economic development issues these past four years. I have seen how he addresses the need for investment in infrastructure. He championed moving our water plans forward so we could take steps toward balancing our revenue. He was consistent in his vision for us becoming the best version of Fluvanna County possible by focusing intently on achieving the goals in our comprehensive plan.

Tony brings a unique set of skills to the Board. From his foundational years of living overseas, he brings a wide view of what can be. As a serial entrepreneur he brings an understanding of the needs for balancing investment and risk and reward over the long term, and keen insight into the county’s need for the right infrastructure to attract businesses that will help balance our tax revenues. As the father of a recent Fluco graduate, he brings the perspective needed to make funding decisions about our children’s futures. Finally, as a Lake Monticello resident, he understands the challenges facing his constituents as our demographics shift more toward younger families, while simultaneously having a larger number of older retirees with unique needs and wants.

Tony is committed to moving Fluvanna forward. He knows what things impact our county. He understands risk and reward viewed over the long term. Finally, he has a vision for our future. That is why I feel he should be re-elected to represent the Rivanna District on Nov. 7.

Rudy Garcia
Fork Union

Staiger is a positive force
I support Linda Staiger for Columbia District School Board member. I am impressed that she has run a positive campaign discussing herself, her preparation, and her plans without referencing her opponent. Her opponent’s campaign put out information about her which is not true, such as where she lives, who is working on her campaign, and misinformation regarding her beliefs. I actually know where Linda lives in the Columbia District, and I know the Fluvannians working on her campaign, as well as what she stands for. You can explore her candidacy on the Facebook page and website Staiger for Schools.

I urge you to write in Linda Staiger for School Board.

Jan M. Paulacka

Pullen has vested interest in schools
I endorse Andrew Pullen’s bid for the Columbia District School Board seat. I know Andrew to be a man who is intelligent, honest, hardworking and caring. He loves our county, our country and has a great work ethic. For all the good things you hear or see Andrew do, there are countless good works he does behind the scenes that people never hear about.

I have read a few negative (and blatantly false) comments about Andrew’s ability to lead and about him personally. Do not believe those with a political ax to grind. In any political race, I (and others) would rather hear about a candidate’s attributes, than hear unkind remarks about the opponent. It is becoming tiresome.

Fluvanna County, the Columbia District, our teachers, employees, parents and students will be well represented by Andrew Pullen’s fairness and common sense approach. Andrew has a child who attends Central Elementary. Therefore, he has a vested interest in seeing our school system thrive. I ask the voters of the Columbia District to vote Andrew Pullen for School Board on Nov. 7.

Charles Rittenhouse
Cunningham District School
Board representative

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