Jun. 15, 20230488
By Duncan NixonCorrespondent
The annual Men’s Member-Guest Golf Tournament at Lake Monticello was held on June 10 and 11 and was won in a fascinating shoot-out by member Paul Seehaver and guest Dan Beckhard. The shoot-out involved the winning team from each of five, six team flights. The first round involved playing the 18th...
Jun. 15, 20230455
By Heather MichonCorrespondent
Funding for JAUNT was the main focus of Wednesday's (June 7) meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
Last month, JAUNT informed the county that their FY24 budget request was about 10 percent below the requested funding of $87,070. As a result, JAUNT would have to cut service to Fluvanna by 10...
Jun. 15, 20230178
Press Release
The Education Scholarship Foundation of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (VMDAEC) awarded four Central Virginia high school seniors a $1,000 Worth M. Hudson Scholarship, named for the first chairman of the foundation. The 2023 recipients include:
Artela Aljiji of Troy, a...
Jun. 15, 20230234
Press Release
The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors has chosen Daniel N. Whitten as Fluvanna’s new county attorney. The Board chose Whitten to fill the vacancy created by retiring County Attorney Fred Payne, who was appointed in 1985. Whitten becomes the first in-house county attorney to serve Fluvanna. “I’m pleased to...
Jun. 15, 20230969
Press Release
Bryan Moeller will run for Fluvanna County treasurer in the Nov. 7 election. Moeller is running as an Independent.
A resident of Fluvanna County since 2009, Moeller worked in family support industries for 14 years, including Region Ten Community Services Board, and People and Churches Engaged in Ministry. Moeller is...
Jun. 15, 20230246
By Page H. Gifford Correspondent
Glass is one of those mediums that when manipulated into forms and shapes, the glass itself features a spectrum of colors and iridescence that is unmatched by any other art medium. One is reminded of the breathtaking works by glass master and artistic genius, Dale Chihuly. Those that follow the...
Jun. 8, 20230622
Press Release
Timothy Hodge will seek election to the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors this November.
He has filed to run as an Independent in the Palmyra District currently represented by retiring Supervisor Patricia Eager.
Hodge’s said his top priorities include sound financial stewardship, improving services,...
Jun. 8, 20230405
By Page H. GiffordCorrespondent
County officials met with Fork Union community members on Saturday, June 3, to discuss the future of the village. The room was filled with residents from Fork Union as well as residents from other areas of the county.
Director of Economic Development Jennifer Schmack pointed out some difficulties...