Become active

Education associations in Virginia work together to lobby for what we know to be best for our students. Remember, the FEA, VEA, and NEA are not unions. We cannot strike to demand better working conditions, or salaries, or budgets; nor do we have any stance for engagement in collective bargaining. But, what we do have that unions do not have are parents. And, when these parents amass in alliance to protect and demand the best education for their children, our governing bodies listen. And, what our Board of Supervisors heard loud and clear via social media, local newspapers, TV, radio, and a rally at Pleasant Grove was parental disapproval and dissatisfaction over the slashed school budget. Not opening the new high school and not providing the adequate funding necessary for the operation and program offerings in the high school was more than a mere disappointment.

Our association, the FEA, encourages all parents to make their voices heard. Our county supervisors cannot put its financial burdens on the backs of our students. Become an active member in our county politics. If attendance at monthly meetings is not possible, then actively and assertively email each and every member of the Board of Supervisors and our school board members. Let them know what you expect of the educational system in Fluvanna County and let them know you are willing to pay for that education.

Fluco parents: You are a powerful, wonderful, efficacious group of people, and we thank you for your support!

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