Obama’s bad choices

Not only has America’s debt problem grown during this administration, but its failed leadership has become painfully obvious, running us down a road to destruction. Our children and grandchildren’s generations are sure to feel the burden of bad choices made by Obama for generations to come.

Another abysmal failure of this current administration is its inability to pull us together. We have never seen a more divisive president. He has drawn lines between class, race, age, religion and even the sexes. He has managed to divide, and that division makes America weak.

President Obama is quick to blame everyone but himself for the current state of affairs. He assumed office, having control of both the House and Senate, yet refuses to accept responsibility for where we find ourselves today. He says he wants more time to move “forward.” We can’t afford his forward. He also says we “can’t go back.” Back to what? Lower gas prices, lower food prices, lower unemployment, less foreclosures, less food stamp use and less federal debt . . . I’ll take it!

There’s an old saying, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Considering today’s state of affairs, it should go, “If you find yourself running pell-mell towards a cliff, stop, turn around and go the other way!”

People need to take a logical look at this election. Stop thinking about individual issues and look at them as a whole. Mitt Romney has a record of turning troubled businesses around. That is what he does best. If he turns the economy around, wouldn’t that mean a stronger America? If America is stronger, wouldn’t everyone benefit? I agree, Mr. President, Americans do deserve better than four more years of the same.

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