FTA is credible

The truth begins when the new high school was approved under the Domino Plan [ 2006 ] with all the unnecessary bells and whistles under protest by citizens speaking out. The school would also be larger than necessary with inaccurate student projections. The county added to the debt with the first school bond issued in 2007.
Meanwhile the economy was on a downward spiral .The FTA was founded advocating fairness to taxpayers when the James River waterline was proposed at a $54 million additional county debt,. A petition for a referendum was submitted twice and rejected twice. The Board of Supervisors applied to form the James River Water Authority and the second larger bonds were issued [2008 ] for the new high school despite a request to wait for a more favorable interest rate by citizens and FTA. To my knowledge Marvin Moss and Mozell Booker were involved in securing these high interest bonds along with other Board members and now see fit to attack FTA who had not sued anyone or had any power to refinance anything.
Let the blame fall where it belongs. FTA from its inception has advocated fairness to taxpayers and nothing else. I don`t recall Mr. Moss or Ms. Booker urging refinancing the school bonds in 2009 or any other time, only rushing out to get high interest bonds on their watch. This is a brief snapshot of what i recall and apologize for any omissions or inaccuracies listed beyond my knowledge.
Our county has one of the largest debt services in Virginia and cannot continue on the same path as the federal government. I made a statement a while back – you can be part of the solution or continue to be part of the problem.

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