Those elections

Johnson seems to think that every amenity is a “profit center” and doesn’t realize that very few at the Lake are. He also doesn’t think much of participative democracy and that we should treat his expressions as “gospel.” Thank goodness that Harrison is thick skinned and Weaver realizes that not everyone thinks that she has all the answers. Now, getting back to communications committee, Gifford gets a lot of print for the candidate who lost the election, Dylan Combs, and “asks him to join the communications committee (must be for his IT skills).” By the way, Joy Bauserman is “The Voice” and said that no one communicated with her about the “closing the golf course” rumor. At the Board’s golf course meeting, she starts off by saying “it just isn’t possible.” But Britt Johnson said, at the same meeting, that he heard from several people with that very question! Guess which Board members were not talking amongst themselves. Of course, the Board is like any other group of politicians, they don’t care for the press as the people’s right to know and doesn’t consider reading the Review as communicating!

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