Vote Kelly

I have a vision of a brighter, happier, more affluent Fluvanna. I picture how we get there. My vision requires we take balanced, incremental steps to adequately fund social services, our police and to fully fund our schools while chipping away at our $100,000,000 debt; a true albatross around our necks and we need to attack this if we don’t want to end up like Detroit.
The Lake has all kinds of folks… retired on fixed incomes, young families, wealthy and not-so-wealthy, disabled, elderly and they all need to know there’s someone watching out for them. I am dedicated to protecting them. How will I do this?
I will …
• Eradicate waste and reallocate money so that we don’t furlough teachers. No more $85,000.00 /year salaries for administrative assistants. It can be done.
• Work closely with our county administrator to eliminate any excess spending. I’d take it as a “do I need this?” and not a “do I want this?” approach. It can be done. I’m going to do my part by not accepting county money for my work as a supervisor if elected; I’m certain the schools could use this money; why? I’ve got the know-how, experience and time to dedicate and my father’s sense of civic duty. I think he’d be proud.
• Increase business revenue by actively seeking business. As a result of my interaction with my friend Del. Rob Bell, I have a stack of state subsidized economic incentives that could entice business here. U.Va. has the Virginia Innovation Partnership. I’ve contacted their office. They match their patents with investors and create businesses. Can you imagine a new laboratory inhabiting one of the schools we closed? It can be done.
• I will fight against tax increases. This is a cancer and it will grow. When if ever do they stop? A penny here, a penny there…that’s how gas got to be so expensive. It can be done.
• Fight foolish spending. I’m for water in a viable economic development zone. But, I’m against silly ideas like ‘build it and they will come.’ That’s a dream, not reality. It can be done.
Make it simple to start a business in Fluvanna. We need to have a website just like Albemarle and Loudon counties. One can start a business in those counties in just one Internet session with their interactive web sites. It can be done.
A thousand mile journey begins with one step, but it needs to be in the right direction. Let’s take that step together. Please vote for me on Nov. 5 and thank you.

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