Thanks VDOT

On Wednesday, Aug. 6, at around 11 a.m., I was heading in to Charlottesville on I-64 west.  I saw brake lights, a billowing cloud of black smoke and stopped cars ahead.  I was three cars behind the tragic multi-vehicle accident that claimed two lives.  The first on the scene were Virginia Department of Transportation officials.  They directed our cars to pull over to the guardrail on the left and set up cones to direct the many emergency vehicles that would come to the scene from behind us.  The VDOT workers were efficient, professional, calm and very courteous to the many drivers waiting at the scene.  After about an hour, they directed us to turn around and drive back on the shoulder to the nearest median cross-over. They helped us get out into traffic in the eastbound lanes, making sure that we were safe to merge.  I didn’t have a chance to thank the VDOT workers at the scene, but I hope they will read this and know that their professionalism, courtesy and concern for our safety was noted and appreciated.

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