Confederate vets

I am appalled by activists shouting political correctness and denigrating the recognition of Confederate soldiers. Apparently these people do not know the law. Approved by the 17th Congress of the United States on Feb. 26, 1929 {U.S. Public Law 810}, the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. war grave sites. Passed by Congress and approved May 23, 1958, federal law {U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410} designated Confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines United States veterans with pensions accruing to them and their widows. So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue, monument or head stone of a U.S. veteran. Let us continue to honor Confederate soldiers with honor here in Fluvanna County.

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