Photo Fluvanna Faces: Peggy Shanklin

By Madeline Otten

Where do you live?

“Right inside the main gate to Lake Monticello.”

How long have you lived in Fluvanna County?

  • “Since November of 2001.”

Tell us about your family.

  • “My daughter Emily is a junior at FCHS. She also has a pet sitting and dog training business which she has grown into a very successful business and has found her niche early in life.My son, Jon Schoeller is a very successful entrepreneur in West Virginia. He’s married to Rhianna Ferral Schoeller who is a nurse anesthetist. They are adopting my beautiful granddaughter, who we can only call Baby B in public until the adoption process is complete.”

What did you want to be when you were growing up?  

  • “The boss”

What was your very first job? 

  • “Like many, a babysitter.”

What do you do for a living? 

  • “I am your Lady at the Lake! A REALTOR with Long and Foster here at Lake Monticello.”

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

  • “I love spending time with friends playing Pickleball. I also enjoy anything outside. I am not much of a home body.”

What is one food that you could never live without? What is one you can never bring yourself to eat? 

  • “I could never live without pasta! And I could never bring myself to eat organs.”

If there was a zombie apocalypse, who are three people you would want on your team?

  • “Rambo, a survivor who can live off the land and kick butt
  • MacGyver: he can make anything out of nothing
  • I Dream of Jeannie: Gotta love magic!”

“What are your three favorite movies?” 

  • “I am not a movie person. However, TV shows? Yes! Any Law and Order, I am watching Madam Secretary, and the old ER.”

Which is better – a novel or a movie?

  • “Movie, quicker. I love reading nonfiction, I don’t have time for fiction…yet.”

What fictional character do you wish you could meet?

  • “Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirate of Caribbean movies.”

What is the best piece of advice you have received?  

  • “Attitude is everything!”

What pivotal decision helped to shape your life? 

  • “I am responsible for my choices.”

Tell us about a way you have changed over the years. 

  • “I have grown to really like myself as I am.”

What has surprised you about your life? 

  • “How it’s turned out so well.”

What’s one thing you still hope to accomplish? 

  • “Being successful enough to make a difference in many lives.” 

Tell us about your proudest moment. 

  • “The birth of my children.”

Where is your favorite place to travel to and why? 

  • “Anywhere. Travel brings experiences and that makes us wiser.”

When you are having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? 

  • “Count by blessings. I do a moment of gratitude every day. When things get bad, I reflect back on all of my blessings, and no matter what it is, it suddenly becomes less.”

What is one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught you? 

  • “How to respond vs. react.”

What quote or saying do you connect with most? Why do you like it? 

  • “All things are possible….becausethey are.”

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