The students may use their grants at any one of approximately 5,400 participating post-secondary institutions. Grant amounts are dependent on the student’s expected family contribution, the cost of attendance, and the student’s enrollment status. Financial need is determined by the U.S. Dept. of Education using a standard formula. A friend of mine received a Pell Grant last year so was able to attend Piedmont Virginia Community College. Her joy and rise in self-esteem was wonderful as she learned computer skills, earned a certificate to make her more employable, and found a new source of inspiration in reading.
The president has also capped the maximum monthly student loan repayments at 10% of disposable income, thereby enabling young people to be able to afford paying off their student loans. He has also provided $2 billion to help fund creation of training programs for good paying jobs at community colleges. His goal is to train two million workers with skills which will lead directly to jobs.
I would say that the president values education and job training which will make our country strong. If you also believe that education and training for good jobs are important priorities, please consider a vote for President Obama.