There is a group calling themselves “Lake Monticello 99” that opposes the board proposal but does not provide a concrete plan of their own. Instead they offer up information to us that is based on flawed, half-baked statements such as:
1) They say there was a multi-year plan provided by the architect. It was a multi-option plan which the board used early on in this process.
2) There is no way that a capital campaign will produce the level of money we need for this project.
3) The board did look extensively into commercial bank loans only to find out they are way more expensive than borrowing from ourselves.
4) The Tufton dam does not need $3-4 million worth of work… who made that up??
5) Using funds already in the MM&R will only put a band aid on the problems with our two facilities.
During two of my three years on the board I served as treasurer and I can tell you firsthand we grappled with these issues but never developed a plan of action. Some say it is too much too fast. I say it is long overdue and what is proposed is a sound business plan.
Actually it is now or never. Please vote yes and watch Lake Monticello bloom with brilliance and pizazz!