Things got testy at the Board of supervisors meeting Wednesday (Sept. 19). School Superintendent Gena Keller told the board the schools need an infusion of almost $600,000. She didn’t get it.
Don’t be misled by conservative complaints about recent “bailouts” of banks and other large companies: The Reagan administration set up the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in the 1980’s and used it to bail out the savings and loan industry.
Please allow me to respond to recent letters regarding our president. First, let me make it clear, I resent the insinuation that any criticism of him is labeled racist. My concern is for his disregard of the Constitution and his dictatorial behavior.
Once again the race card is being played to detract from some obvious problems within the Obama administration. Booker said Obama deserves respect. No Ms. Booker. You must earn respect.
Any development in Zion Cross Roads promises tax relief to Fluvanna taxpayers. If that’s true, why have Louisa taxpayers not experienced any tax relief yet? The Louisa Water Authority had to increase rates because of revenue shortfalls and the taxpayers had to cover the rest whether they had water, sewer connections or not despite the...
Two weeks ago you ran a letter to the editor about a young man from Hungary who had been diagnosed with cancer and needed to be treated at the University of Virginia Medical Center. I contacted Amy Kirschner who is Fluvanna’s American Cancer representative.
The Fluvanna Review recently published letters from Romney supporters Ron Davis, Ken Duffau, and Sam Edwards. The letters all had one thing in common, attacks on Barack Obama policies with no specific plans about what a Romney administration would do if they were in charge. This is a metaphor for the entire Romney campaign– plenty of...
Jennifer D. Miller wants to build a dog boarding kennel she said at the Fluvanna Planning Department Neighborhood Meeting Wednesday (Sept. 12). Miller bought property on Rt. 15 near the Central Virginia Electric Cooperative office. Miller wants to build a small boarding kennel.