Lieutenant governor

Jobs and the economy: Ralph Northam supports investing in community colleges, job training programs and hiring tax credits. E.W. Jackson wants a Taxpayer Bill of Rights to stop “unbridled” growth of government and pledges to defy, not comply, with environmental standards to “defend coal jobs.” He has stated “the EPA must go.”
Gay rights: Ralph Northam states “ there is no excuse to discriminate against Virginians based on whom they love…” E.W. Jackson has stated that there is a direct connection between homosexuality and pedophilia and has vilified homosexuals by saying “Their minds are perverted; they’re frankly very sick people…”
On the Affordable Care Act: Ralph Northam worked to create a pathway to Medicaid expansion, creating over 30,000 health care related jobs in Virginia. E.W. Jackson states “Obamacare” is a Federal abuse of power that forces organizations to act against their religious beliefs and” must be resisted with all the legal and political force we can muster.”
I urge you to choose a responsible, rather than extreme, lieutenant governor by voting for Ralph Northam on Nov. 5.

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